The Chapter Before a Chapter

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His breath was ragged in the space that we shared, a feeling I had come to know so well.

I slid my ass further until the tip of my clit was at his base, allowing the full length of him to fill me until I felt I was about to burst.

Nothing could beat this feeling.

Nothing could make me feel more alive than the frigid length of this cock. The feeling of slippery wetness as our juices and sweat mingled together and slid down our bodies.

Or at least thats what I had thought until he spoke.

"Damn ma, call me daddy!"

I tensed up immediately, feeling my pussy dry up quicker than the Sahara Desert. They always had to ruin it.

"You ain't my daddy. The unkown just smiled at me as if I was the cutest thing in the world. After he blew his load I shoved him away and adjusted my thong back into place. I snatched a cigarette out of my purse and placed it between my lips. "You gotta light?"

"Yeh." He took a lighter out of his back pocket and sparked my cigarette for me, leaning back admirably.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nun. Just ain't never met a prostitute as pretty as you. Probably the best sex I ever had."

I chuckled a little, grounding my cigarette out. I wasn't a prostitute, but often mistaken for either that or a stripper. A girl can't get some every now and again without being thought of as a hoe. Not that I cared.

Without another word I unlocked the bathroom stall, fixing my hair and make-up as I made my way out to the diner. Marlowe gave me a once over before rolling her eyes in mock disgust. I sat at the counter and gave her and innocent look.

"Strawberry milkshake please. Extra strawberries this time." I gave her one of my signature smiles.

"You a real hoe, you know that?"

I tapped my long pale pink acrylic nails against the surface of the smooth counter impatiently, meeting her glare with a smile. "Yes I know lowe, but if I just acted like you did all day I'd end up with cobwebs in every nook and cranny of my pussy. And that's not pretty now is it?" Marlowe didnt even flinch. She was used to my vulgarity and bitchiness by now.

She turned to make my drink. "Yeah whatever. Just know that one of these days I'm finna kick your hoe ass out you keep fuckin' all my customers." I ignored her and unlocked my phone, scrolling through instagram pictures and even liking some of them.

The bell chimed, indicating a customer had arrived. I turned to see a young boy, maybe fifteen or sixteen, carrying a brown cardboard box. His eyes landed on me abruptly and he smiled, scurrying over to where I was. "Aye yo ma, help a young brotha out and maybe buy one of my mixtapes. I'll lower the price, just for yo fine ass."

I raised my eyebrows, as if interested and gave him one of my best smiles. "Yeah? And what's it called?"

His gaze faltered for a minute, as if he was surprised that I was actually asking. " dont got a name yet. But I promise this shit is fire yo. I'm bout to be the next biggie or pac, or some shit."

I laughed wholeheartedly. I was just about to ask his age when somebody smacked him up side the head so hard his mixtapes flew everywhere and scattered across the floor. "Pick those shits up. What I tell you about bothering people with this mixtape shit?

I looked up into the eyes of man seemingly a little older than the one who just stood before me and squeezed my legs together.

"I'm sorry about that miss, I keep telling him no one wants to hear it." I stared at him open mouthed for a moment, before shaking my head a little too hard.

"No it's fine, you're fine." He nodded his head once before turning to who I assumed was his little brother.

"Let's go, pops wants you home now." His little brother was giving him the saltiest look he could give him.

"Whatever nigga. Don't be treating me like im five." He ignored him and headed for the door.


I blinked a couple times before realizing I was the one sounding thirsty and desperate. I cleared my throat a little. "I mean, wait. We could all catch a cab. I'll split the tab. My parents aren't home", I added for good measure. He shook his head slowly.

"Nah, we live around the block anyway." He didn't say anything else, just walked out the door. His brother scooped up the remaining mixtapes, running after him. I turned back around to the counter, slowly taking everything in. Marlowe slid my strawberry shake across the counter, shooting me a look of fake sympathy.

"Awe, better luck next time?"

I shot her a death glare. " I asked for this shit six hours ago."

Hey thanks to whoever read this! This is my first time writing on wattpad so please vote for me and leave some comments!!! ♡♥♡♥

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