Chapter 18: The House

Start from the beginning

"Sure." I reached for her hand and she gladly gave it to me. We walked up the stairs into the master bedroom.

"This is where we'll be making some more lil Kingstons." I joked. She playfully hit my arm and blushed.

She pushed open the double doors and the look on her face made me fall in love with her all over again

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She pushed open the double doors and the look on her face made me fall in love with her all over again.

"Babe! And you already furnished it!" She squealed."This is beautiful."

"And all yours." I said, walking into the room and smacking her ass. "Follow me into the bathroom, boo." I motioned her with my hand.

Once she looked over the entire bathroom, she was in tears of happiness

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Once she looked over the entire bathroom, she was in tears of happiness. She looked at me, latched her finger around the hem of my jeans, and pulled me into her.

"I love you, so much. I'm thankful for you." She wrapped her arms tightly around my waist, laying her head on my chest.

"I love you more, baby." I lifted her face so that our eyes could meet. "You're my world. And I know all the shit I did in the past really hurt you, but I'm willing to give you my heart all over again. This house is already paid for and I wanna move into it knowing that I got you by my side."

"You'll always have me by your side, Jaye. Forever." She finished by kissing my lips.

I grabbed her hand. "Let's go to the kitchen. I know that's where you wanna go next, anyways." I joked.

"Whatever. You already know that the kitchen is my domain." She laughed.

As soon as we reached the kitchen, she stopped and sighed in satisfaction

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As soon as we reached the kitchen, she stopped and sighed in satisfaction. "I'm in love." She slowly walked around the kitchen, observing everything and smiling.

"I'm glad you're enjoying our new home, babe." I told her.

She looked up at me. "You really outdid yourself. I'm proud of you. I really am. You deserve a special treat when we land back in New York."

"Well I mean, babe we got a whole bed upstairs and it's not too early-" I stopped mid-sentence and became stuck in a trance. Just mesmerized by her beauty. She walked over to me in a leisurely way. Her Christian Louboutin heels clicking on the cold, freshly waxed floor.

She held her finger up and moved it from side to side, signaling 'no'. "I want you to wait. Because the longer you wait and yearn for this pussy of yours, the more you make me cum." Then she grabbed a handful of my dick and placed her sweet lips next to my ear. "And the deeper you stroke." She kissed my neck and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me in my dirty thoughts.

I felt wetness in my boxers. "Did she-." I paused."I know damn well she didn't just-" I sighed.


After I finished showing my baby the rest of the house, we called Richie to come take us to a fancy restaurant. Lauren texted me saying she wanted to meet up so that's where we're heading. We pulled up to this nice Italian restaurant that had lights decorating the scenery. We walked in hand in hand.

"How may I help you this fine evening?" A host asked us.

"We're here to meet with someone." I recalled.

"Reservations?" He asked.

"Yes, under Smith."

He nodded his head and searched for Lauren's name. "Ah, yes. Follow me."

Camille and I followed him to a nicely set table. Lauren was sitting there on her phone but ended the call once Camille and I joined her. Her eyes got huge once she saw my full appearance and Camille next to me. Her and Camille went crazy once they saw each other. Lauren moved from Brooklyn to California our 9th grade year and it's been damn near 10 years since we've seen her.

Lauren was a very beautiful woman. She had smooth, clear facial features like Nia Long and the short hair to match. She was wearing a black Chanel dress with gold accessories and her lips were coated with red lipstick.

"You two? You're back together? Since when? Y'all didn't get married yet did y'all? Because if so then ima be pissed. Camille I told you that I wanted to be a damn bridesmaid." She snapped. "Jaye you didn't tell me that you was moving and that my girl was moving with you."

"Damn, L. Just calm down, aight? And you know this my baby so don't act like you ain't know wassup." I responded with a slight smile. I pulled Camille closer to me with my hand just above her butt.

Camille blushed and smiled up at me. "Yes, we're back together and no we're not married."

"Yet. We're not married yet." I replied quickly and kissed Camille's cheek.

We all sat back down and ordered our food before indulging into a conversation.

"And nah, I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise. Seeing that it's been a decade since we last saw you."

"You're just full of surprises, huh Parrish?" Lauren asked. She still had that Brooklyn accent.

I nodded. "Sure is."

"So did y'all like the place? I mean you better since Jaye already bought it." Lauren inquired.

"Yesss, oh my god. I love it. I really love it." Camille said smoothly, swirling her straw around her lemon water.

"So when do you plan on officially moving in?" Lauren asked us.

"Um, preferably next month. You know we gotta pack everything up and Camille has to handle some financial business with her law firm before we settle here in Cali for good." I answered and Camille agreed.

"So what are you going to do?" Lauren and Camille eyes were both on me.

"Own a barbershop. I use to cut hair with my uncle back when I was a youngin' so I'm going to meet with this dude about buying the place and check out this lil' spot he was telling me about. I even thought about coaching a lil' basketball league and getting back into producing." I breathe out.

They started smiling and Camille rubbed her finger across my lip. "Had some on your lip, bae." She's smooched her lips at me before winking.

"That's a great idea. You're full of so much ambition, Parrish. That's why I admire you." Lauren spoke.

"That's my King." Camille said, grabbing my chin and kissing me on my lips.

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