Chapter 1- Monday

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Like the king of pop himself said, it doesn't matter if you're black or white, but being at Berryington High it did, well not in the way you're thinking. We don't have segregation or anything or us black folks would go unnoticed. The racism is more underground, so the teacher wouldn't notice, even though everyone knew the teachers favored the white kids over the black. Not all of us get beat up or picked on. I mean if you're part of the favored crowd then you were in luck. Unlike me, Octavia Osborn, the most noticed unnoticed African American at my school, I was constantly picked on because of the color of my skin or how I acted, but mostly because of my skin color.

Ok, you obviously want to get to know me, you want to know why I'm so popularly unpopular. Well, let start on how I dress. On a daily I'm either wearing overalls that make me look like a farmer, 70s bell bottoms, or comic book outfits. My hair just falls on my shoulder and I wear little to no make up. I am 5'11 so I tower over everyone, which makes me stand out a lot.

Now how I act is what makes me, me. I am awkward around everyone and I can barely make friends. When a cute guy tries to talk to me I just look away and make weird noises making them look at me weird and walk away, and then they tell their stupid friends just for them to make fun of me.

I know what you're thinking. It's pretty much my fault I get bullied, but I can't help that I have anxiety attacks all the time. This is me and I don't think I changing anytime soon.


I walk into first period class with my books close to my chest. At Berryington we weren't allowed to have our backpacks with us, because of the amount of teachers tripping over them. I sit down in the back of the classroom trying not to make myself noticeable to anyone. I was early anyways, there was only about six kids in the room. I take the time to get myself ready for chemistry by taking out the homework from yesterday and studying for the quiz.

A few minutes in, the teacher is still not in the class room and the two biggest jocks of our school walk in making a ruckus. One of them is Ian O'Conner, I think of him pretty cute, even though he picked on me every now and then. He has long red hair and bright blue eyes. Obviously he was toned, because he played most of the sports at the school. I went to most of his games. He sat in the back near me with Levi. Levi Allen is the most annoying guy in this planet, he doesn't know a thing and is always disrupting the class. I'm pretty sure he's in ISS half the day and doesn't give a damn about anyone else but himself. He has short, dark brown hair and dark green eyes.

They walk to the back of the class practically wrestling, knocking chairs and tables over not even caring enough to pick it up. They finally make it to the back, only to knock all of my stuff to the ground. I don't even bother giving them a nasty look or say 'Hey calm the fuck down, it's a fucking Monday morning! Now motherfucking pick up my shit and all the other shit you knocked down!' I just go to the floor and pick it up myself, one by one. As I try not to get in their way, they throw their books on the tables, and one of the books falls and hits my face. Once again I don't say anything as the pain in my forehead grows. I get up from the floor and accidentally make eye contact with Ian. He has a blank stare as he looks at me, I could tell he was looking at my freshly bruised forehead. I quickly turn away and go back to my seat.

Minutes pass and the teacher finally arrives and the classroom is full. This morning took longer than most, because the teacher was yelling a Levi and Ian about the mess, "I don't want to see this happen again, ok?" Levi laughs and Ian doesn't say anything. Mr. Riley puts his hands on his hips annoyed, "Ok?" He repeats.

"Ok," They say at the same time.

"Good, now let's get started shall we?" He goes over to the white board and starts writing about moles and the equations, soon enough I put in my headphones to listen to classical movie scores.

I hear a slam the wakes me up from my slumber, and see Ian standing in front of me, he has a chemistry book in his hands, "Hey nerd," I heard Levi say 'nice one' from afar, "You're Osborn right?" He looks at me with his intense blue eyes with no expression on his face.

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

"Hello anyone in there?" He knocks on my head were the bruise was, but when he sees me visible wince, he quickly removes his hands with wide eyes, but quickly masks it with another blank expression.

"Uh...Ahhannkak," I didn't know what I was saying I usually didn't talk to him, or anyone for the matter. "Oh...uuhhh...ahhhhh."

"It's a yes or no question, cotton picker." He shoots out again, looking more annoyed than before. Those remarks were pretty normal around here, you get used to it after a while.

I just nod instead of making a more fool out of myself. He rolls his eyes and sits down mumbling not so nice words under his breath. I wanted to ask why he was sitting hear and not with someone he knew. I look up at the board and notice the teacher put the groups together by last names; Osborn, O'Conner.

"Did you here anything he said about the project?" He looks up from his phone with uninterested eyes. What project? I shake my head no and he huffs and rolls his eyes, "Why did he put me with this dumb bitch." I really wasn't a dumb bitch I was actually the smartest in the class, but he obviously didn't know that.

He explained that project to me with the most monotone voice he could voice, "You figured it out now?" He makes eye contact again and I freeze just staring like deer in headlights. "Once again, just a yes or no answer." I nod yes, "I'm gonna have to start asking you non yes or no questions to get you to talk." He added in a more playful voice. I just shrug my shoulders and he rolls his eyes again loosing the playful look, "We'll start up tomorrow." He gets up and goes over to Levi.

I just kind of sit there starstruck until the bell rings.

"Ok class before its time to go I just wanted to say-" He stops when he see's my hand raised.

"Homework?" Is all I can manage to get out. He forgot to pick it up and I worked pretty hard on it. I heard pretty much the whole class groan and say a few mean words.

"Oh right, thank you Osborn. Please pass forward your homework." Only about three kids was actually passing up the assignment and that included me and...Ian? Surprising.

"As I was saying, these projects are due on Friday so y'all have all week to work on them." The bell finally rings and the class dismisses.

A few kids comes up to me and say a few comments and as I try to walk out the class I get pushed around back and forth from person to person, making me get dizzy.

I finally make it out the classroom without dying and head to my next class.

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