Madame Peacock and DreamCatcher were surrounded by the Silver Samurai's army..

"You pathetic miraculous holders think you can stop me....."

"We can and we will...!!!" Caroline shouted as she shot the army with tranquilizer darts...

The whole army was knocked out and it was only the 3 of them..

The Silver Samurai came charging at the two heroes...

"Wait Madame Peacock he going to curse Paris with that powder..!!!"

"How exactly"

"He will put every Parisian under a dark curse."

"Ok let's charge at him.."

Dreamcatcher was granting a wish for a bo staff like Madame Peacock.....

They both charged at The Silver Samurai and he pushed them back with extreme force....

"You will never stop me from taking over Paris..."

Madame Peacock wouldn't stop....

She charged at him with her bo staff..

She leaped in the air and right when she was going to kick him...he pulled out a blade and threw it at Gabriel... He widened his eyes with terror.... He closed his eyes expecting the impact... When he opened his eyes, he say that his partner/wife got in the way and got herself stabbed...

The silver Samurai turned to dust as well seeing that his wife defeated him before taking the blade to the heart...

"No!!!! Caroline stay with me...we can transform back and I'll take you to Master Fu, he can heal you...!!! Please don't leave me I need you....Our Son needs you..."

"No it's to late for me Gabriel....take care of Adrien.."

With that Caroline closed her eyes.....

She died...

Gabriel came running with her in his arms...

"Master Fu help.... Caroline was stabbed please heal her..."

"I'm sorry Gabriel but she's gone...."

"I will wish her back then"

"You know you can't wish back the dead.."

He was thinking for a while and then he widened his eyes...

"Wait the earrings and the ring can give me Godlike powers. Maybe I can wish her back."

" you know what I told you Gabriel.... Those are to be protected."

"Give me them...NOW!!!!!!"

He suddenly had hatred in his eyes and charged towards me...

I couldn't fight back...

He could find them because I never told him where they were...

Gabriel only knows where the secrets of the miraculous book is....

He grabbed the book and ran out the door....

That was the biggest mistake of my life...

Dreamcatcher's P.O.V. Later that day...

I need those earrings and that ring.... I need them to bring her back....

I will find them one day.....for Caroline I told myself...

this is all for Caroline....for her...

"Nooro...we need to talk."

"Yes master"

"I wish to erase all the memories of Caroline and everyone who knew her...except for me.....and leave a small memory for Adrien....make sure he doesn't remember us being superheroes.."

"As you wish!!"

I took a photo from one of our Photoshoots together.....

I put it inside my miraculous....

"What are you doing master?"

I was thinking of how I was going to search for that book.....

I can't be too suspicious..or else Adrien will know.... I will keep my findings and my things in the hidden attic of the Agreste mansion...

I will start when Adrien starts his high school studies.....I will have Natalie teach his classes and keep him busy....

"From Now Nooro my name is Hawkmoth and I will get those miraculous earrings and way of another..."

"But master you know you can't use your miraculous for evil"

"Silence..... I am your master now.... Nooro transform me..."

(Transformation sequence)

"Work has to be done.."

Hey guys sorry for slow updates on any of my stories...hope you enjoyed this chapter. What does Adrian remember? Does anyone remember Caroline? What will Gabriel do until he has his Miraculous? What will he do once he has them? I will be told in the next chapters. Keep reading!!!



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