Chapter 45 The Dark Secret

Start from the beginning

Then the unthinkable happened..." my voice broke and tears came out of my eyes. I couldn't make my voice come out to tell the rest." Angel you don't have to force yourself in telling me."

"No, I do James I am not forcing myself. You should know... The next day he invites me to this old cottage for a romantic dinner where he used to spend his time. I went there. He made me sit on the sofa. Then my phone rang. It was Lisa who told me that Lorenzo has planned something terrible and I should not go there. But I was already there. He took my phone and threw it away...

I ran away from him and he hit my head with a baseball bat. I fell unconscious after the bleeding. I woke up in a bed with my hands and legs tied up. He was standing there with a knife. I sat on top of me and he started ripping my clothes with that knife. He took off his belt and started hitting me one after another.

I beg and cried to him to let me go and why he was behaving this way?. He answered that he wants to punish me because I wanted to leave him. Then He started to force himself on me the more I struggle. But kept struggling and shoving him off me. I didn't give up. My skin had cut and bruised all over. My head hurt like hell. I didn't have any energy anymore" The tears fell nonstop from my eyes.

"I thought this was the end of me. I was ready to die. He was determined to be his. I stopped struggling. I took the chance to distract him and shoved him off me. I took the knife and cut my veins. Blood came out rushing."

" Baby..." he covered his mouth with his hands hearing this. His expression was full of sadness and hurt.

" I didn't think I will ever be free from him. I was ready to die than being his..." I cried.

" I was fading into darkness but then my brother's came in like knights. They saved me. I fell unconscious after that. I woke up in a hospital after few days. They said there was a fire and the house collapsed and Lorenzo was inside that. They found a body later. It was burned badly and no one was there except him and me. They took the count of it and said that body to be his. He was dead.

Because of that struggle, beating, cuts and I was hospitalised for whole one month. It took nearly one whole year to get myself out of that trama. I never saw jack after that incident. Wherever I used to go I used to hallucinate him. Attacking me. I spent one whole year in fear"

I burst out crying. James hugged me. " don't cry anymore. I am here I will not let anyone hurt you anymore. You're a brave and beautiful woman Mia. After what you have been through you still stood up high."

With my hiccups and tears, I said, "James I am sorry to keep this from you. I never thought to see him again. I hated my past weak and foolish self."

" Don't ever say that my love. You're not weak. You're very brave. I love you my angel and no one is ever gonna hurt you ever again. I promise I will always protect you." I gave him a weak smile.

" Thank you for telling me this angel and I am sorry for taking you down to that horrible memory lane." He kissed my head. I snuggle in his arms.

" I love you James more than anything." he wiped away my tears and lay down with me. I know how Lorenzo Is. I had known him. He will try something to hurt James or anyone to get to me. I am prepared right now. I am not my weak pitiful self anymore. I have built myself all these years.

My brothers have taught me well.

" I love you too my angel." He wrapped his arms around me. I calmed down and slowly drifted into slumber.

The sun fell on my eyes and I woke up. I saw the James was not beside me. I went down to look for him.

" Maria where is James?"

" Master is in his study room."

I went to the study room. I saw James was on the phone talking to someone. He noticed me and ended the call. He came towards me and kissed me.

" How are you angel.?" I noticed all the papers and pens lying on the ground. There was no place to put my feet and walk.

" I am feeling okay now. I am fine. I see you have been busy. When did you wake up?"

" yeah, I had to take care of something. Let's have breakfast."

" After that, I have to meet my brother's. I have to tell them what happened at the party." I have to warn them about Lorenzo. He is a dangerous person.

I don't know what danger is waiting for us next. The thought of it gave me a chill. I took out the milk from the fridge and drank it. It tasted weird. I didn't put my mind to that.

" yes sure." He said on a serious note.

Whatever he is planing I will not let him win. If he Hurts anyone I love I will tear him down.

I am prepared to face him.

I am ready.

Make your move Enzo. I gripped my hands as my nails dug into my skin. I am not scared of you anymore.


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Love, rosavet 😙 😘  XOXO

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