Chapter 4

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Was it okay for me to break down again? For three days I had been stuck in this hospital, and each day I had been crying at least for half an hour. Everything because of Liam, he was the reason behind all my pain. He put me in this damn hospital, and not once had he visited or dared to call. Even after all the abuse he had put me through, I wanted him to be here, I wanted him to hold my hand, to tell me everything would be alright. But he wasn't that guy anymore, and it fucking broke my heart.

How did things end up like this? How did Liam become this person? Was it my fault? 

I just wanted the old Liam back, the guy that I loved so much - That guy cared about me, whenever I had a nightmare and woke up crying, screaming or whatever, he was right there to hold me, to make me feel safe. If I ever started to feel insecure about my body, he'd always tell me that I was the most beautiful person in the world. He was the reason that I had tried to stop self-harming, and if he ever saw a new cut on my arm, he got really sad and just held me for a long time, he really hated it when I was hurting.  

He was the one that saved me.

"Mr. Horan?" yet again, that familiar voice reached for me. 

I looked up, my eyes searching for those green ones - that I actually hadn't seen since... I was crying my eyes out and grabbing onto him, begging him not to tell anyone about my boyfriend. God, I felt embarrassed.

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Styles asked, sitting down on one of those chairs right beside the bed.

"Uh... better, I guess." I awkwardly said, biting on my bottom lip. 

"Do you still have a headache?" his voice was gentle, almost soothing.


"That's good," he said with a smile, "Mr. Horan-" I cut him off.

"Please... call me Niall." I really hated it when someone said Mr. Horan, it only made me think of my dad.

"Okay, Niall," the way he said my name made me slightly shiver, "I don't think we need to keep you here much longer, maybe one more night, just to be on the safer side."

That was good news, right? I could finally go... home. But did I really want to leave this place? I couldn't get hurt here, I felt somewhat safe.

"Have you told... anyone?" I quietly asked while looking down at my hands, that had some small cuts here and there.

"No," he sighed, "I have the right to call the police and report your partner, but I need to hear what you have to say. What he has done to you, is beyond wrong and we here at the hospital should have reported him right away, but-"

"You can't call the police!" I suddenly blurted out, "he's not a bad person, he really isn't!"

"Well, a nice person wouldn't do this to someone they love." Dr. Styles looked me in the eyes, clearly disgusted by the work Liam had done to my body. 

He was right, if Liam really loved me, then he wouldn't do this. But I couldn't lose him...

Dr. Styles frowned, "Niall, I can offer you professional help for your partner, but he if he doesn't want it, I don't see another option than to call the police."

"I'll talk to him." I already knew Liam wouldn't want help, but it was worth a try.

"What if he says no?"

"Then we have to give him some time to think about it, because I'm not reporting him, okay?" a hint of anger showed in my voice.

"How much time? A day, a week, two weeks? It might be to late then, what if he hurts you so badly that you never will wake up again?" 

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