Chapter 3

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"Please stop!" I screamed in panic, my arms and legs tried to help me crawl forward, but it was so painful. 

"There's no point to try and get away, you idiot." his loud footsteps got closer and closer, making me cry out in fear.

"L... L-liam p-please." sobbing, crying, begging, that was all I could do, I had absolutely no strength in my weak body.

A pair of cold hands grabbed me by my left arm, I was turned around and after that the older boy pressed down my body by sitting over me. 

"Look at you... so scared." he smirked, feeling proud over himself for making me suffer like this.

I tried to say something, but no sound came out, but I knew no matter what I'd say, he wouldn't stop.

"Do you know what I'm gonna do to you?" he asked while tracing his fingers at my throat.

Oh... I knew. He was going to beat me up some more and rape me.

Liam kept his eyes on me, still smirking. "Baby, tonight I'll kill you."

I woke up screaming, my whole body shaking. Was it just a nightmare? I looked around me, barely able to recognize the room I was in. Tears started to seek their way down my cheeks and I just covered my eyes with my hands, as I quietly cried to myself.

The hospital... I was at the hospital, and I had to stay here at least for two or three more days. I had a concussion, no surprise. Not after all those beatings Liam had put me through the last few days. 

"Mr. Horan, as I can see by just looking at you, it seems like you might have a concussion." Dr. Styles calmly said.

"How can you tell?" Liam asked, and gave me a glance to try and figure it out himself.

"Well, his left pupil is larger than his right one, he was slurring while explaining the situation he's in, and the fact that he has had a headache for a few days - that won't go away, and it's only getting worse... then I'm almost certain that it is a concussion. Of course we have to do some tests, and take a brain scan. But I also have to ask, have you been in an accident where you hit your head?"

Accident? Not really... 

"I..." quietly I started to say something - a lie of course, but Liam interrupted me.

"He actually fell down the stairs about two days ago, and he probably hit his head quite hard." 

"Why didn't you come straight to hospital? Concussions are very dangerous." Dr. Styles barely even looked at Liam, his eyes were focused at me and it felt uncomfortable. 

"Well I-" once again, Liam blurted in.

"Niall doesn't like hospitals at all, I tried to make him go, but he just wouldn't go." he explained and grabbed my hand, harshly. In a way of telling me not to fuck this up.

"I see..." Dr. Styles mumbled, he still had his eyes on me, could he tell that everything was a lie? Liam sounded very confident by his words, but I just sat there looking so confused and nervous. 

"What happens now?" Liam asked.

"Well, I have to do some quick tests with Mr. Horan and later take a brain scan." he answered with a small smile, "what I'm going to check, are your vision, hearing, balance and reflexes. So if you could walk over to that wall and back over here, please."

"O-okay." I almost whispered and got up from the chair, Liam let go of my hand with a sigh and I started to concentrate on walking. But halfway over to the other side of the room, I stopped.

"Mr. Horan?" I could hear Dr. Styles get up from his chair, "are you okay?"

I shook my head and before I knew it, I fainted. 

When I woke up after that, Liam and Dr. Styles had been arguing, mostly because Liam didn't want me to stay here. But I had to, I knew that. 

In the end, my so called boyfriend had given up and left, not even saying bye to me. Then later, I got informed by some nurse that I had to stay here and blah blah blah, i fell asleep, woke up, and now I was just laying in the uncomfortable hospital bed, crying.

"Oh, you're awake, I was about to come and wake you up, because when you have a concussion-" the familiar voice reached my ears and I quickly dried away the tears, but by the fact that he stopped talking, he knew I had been crying. "Are you in pain?" Dr. Styles asked as he sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"No... yeah... I don't know." I didn't know anymore, I couldn't tell if my whole body was in pain or just my head. 

"Mr. Horan, may I ask... did you really fall down the stairs?"


"Y-yeah, I'm really clumsy." I tried to laugh the situation away, but this doctor wasn't buying it.

"Did your boyfriend do this to you?" he got straight to the point.

"No, o-of course not." yeah.

"Mr. Horan...  I don't want to accuse him of anything, but he seemed really controlling before. As what I can see now, there's bruises on you lower neck, on your wrists, cuts on your hands, a cut on your lip. The nurse that changed you into that hospital gown, said that your whole body were full with bruises and cuts. You can not have gotten them all from falling down-"

"Okay! Okay! Stop... you're right, he did this. He beats me up all the time, he calls me bad names, he kicks me, h-he hits me, he f-force... h-he..." sobs started to escape me and I became a mess, it felt good to tell someone, it felt good to admit it, but I fucked up. 

"Mr. Horan, calm down." Dr. Styles stood up and gently pushed me down to the bed again, without even knowing it I had sat up. "I'm really sorry to hear what you've gone through, but we can stop it. We have  to stop it, we can report him."

Report Liam? Like... to the police, and he'll end up in jail? "N-No! He's... a-all I g-got left, I c-can't." I cried out, grabbing onto Dr. Styles arms, "Please, don't tell anyone. P-please, he's a-all I g-got l-" I had been panicking so much that I didn't even see the nurse that came in the room, and she gave me a injection in my arm. 

It just took a few seconds before my whole body felt so tired, what did they give me?

"He.. I... l-left."


woho, i finally wrote on this book! :) i actually am starting to like it a lot.

liam fück ü.

thanks for reading & hope you liked it!~

xx bella

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