Prologue 2 - The Quest of The Triple Throne: new version

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Court of the Mater of the Holy Reform Church - Jerusalem 1271

My legs shook uncontrollably. Why me, why me, why me, I kept thinking over and over not able to stop myself.

"Please Archbishop, I'm too young, I've no skills, I can't fight, please Archbishop don't send me." The Jaqubian Order Archbishop of Jerusalem smiled and laid a hand on my shoulder.

"Brother Maximillian Hart, you have come of age, and all who do so are given their first journey into the wilderness, as did our Lord." I made to open my mouth again but the Archbishop silenced me with a shake of his head.

"You are the most skilled linguist I have seen in all my years, so no more arguments," and the Archbishop's tone became sterner.

"Brother Detlef will be the personal assistant to Bishop Rodrigo. Your assignment will be to learn as many languages as you can and to collect as many texts as you deem worthy of inclusion in our library!"

I watched my hands shake with my every breath. I was being ordered out from my beloved library to go east to the Seres, the silk people, where some Prestor John was supposed to oversee the scion of a christian sect no one knew anything about. My dreams of being assigned to the magnificent rebuilt library in Constantinople, or my ultimate ambition, to the imperial library in Palermo were shattered. I made to voice my reservations again, but the Archbishop silenced me with a glance.

"You are well known Brother Hart for your verbosity and I for one have heard your discourse on Aramaic, and I also sat through the one on Farsi! I am certain that as soon any one hears you speak they will understand your heart and the depth of your concern for the truth! Now," and the Archbishop took me by the shoulders and steadied me.

"Steel yourself, for there will be an escort of Justician Knights, their squires and pages; and an entourage of servants with a farrier, a chef and an apothecary!"

I drew a deep breath and tried to quieten my throbbing pulse. No matter what the words of the Archbishop were I could not dispel the sense of dread that had sunk into the pit of my stomach. The Archbishop turned and I did my best to follow him without collapsing. We made our way along the stone corridor from the Archbishop's study to the Great Hall of the Holy Council of Rebeccah, Fatima and Mary, the Triple Throne of most holy Jerusalem.

The Great Hall was full of people and I remember most clearly that it appeared as if the whole of the Imperium was represented there, such was the profusion of colours and uniforms. I saw representatives of all the Knights Orders I knew of, and to my surprise some that I didn't.

I saw numerous bishops and deacons of all the churches aligned to the Frederichan Reforms of the Blessed Joachim. I saw many from the reformed Religions of the Book that have pledged to keep Jerusalem at peace. Rebekkan Rabbis and Fatimian Imams. Most unmistakably there were Sufi Sheikhs of Jalal-ud-din Rumi's order from Anatolia. I have heard his poetry recited here in this great hall and the memory still moves me to tears. Ah what a sight to behold, the centre of the known world in one room!

"Brother Hart, close your mouth and keep up!" I realised that my Archbishop in all his grandiose attire was standing close by and nearly yelling in my left ear such was my distraction that I had not realised how close he stood to me. I stammered my apology and in a stumbling run tried to keep up with his purposeful stride through the crowd which opened like the red sea before us.

"His most gracious eminence the Archbishop of Jerusalem" announced the court Chamberlain. The Archbishop strode straight up to him and a hurried whispered conversation took place. The Chamberlain looked disdainfully at the Archbishop.

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