Chapter 9b - Dual Cultivation

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“I have decided to give our daughter the name of Jade Desert.” Jade said matter of factly as she changed her to her other breast. Stillness Desert looked up and frowned.

“A familial name, mmm, I’m sure she will have something to say about that soon enough!”

Jade smiled, “yes I fear you will be right as to her character,” and she took a deep breath and kissed little Jade as she fed. Elder Jade looked up and held Desert’s gaze.

“If events are not to turn the way you hope, then our daughter will know of her parents through her name.”

“I am fearful of this trading mission. I know how you defeated them before, and I know you have faith in your dragons and the power of this land,” she paused and looked off toward the coast.

“This letter from my deputy hints at many things,” and she looked back to Desert.

“The soong and the jomon will not tolerate this Qhan attempting anything against Katithandra, because they will then be next; again, and again, and again till he is victorious or he is dead!”

At this Lotus looked up then stopped herself. Jade turned to her, “is this not correct, youngest daughter of the Empress!”

Desert turned quickly then smiled and nodded to himself, “Yes the demeanour does fit doesn’t it?” he asked of no one. Lotus kept her head bowed and nodded acknowledgment.

“You have been sent here to learn to be great and to safeguard the blood line of your family!” stated Consul Jade Sunrise, and again Lotus nodded.

“Master Silent Gaze  has informed me that you wish to become a dragon rider and stand strong in the court of the Soong.” Jade turned to look at her harshly.

“It maybe that you will be dead in a few months and none of this will matter.”

Desert tilted his head as he tried to glean the Consul’s intention with this beration.

“But, it maybe the Soong will destroy this so called trading mission and the Jomon will use the monqhul soldiers as fish bait.” Jade detached her daughter and cuddled her massaging the points on her back for digestion and health.

“Do you have anything to say girl?” Jade Sunrise was being deliberately provocative.

Lotus kept her head down, “no madam, as the youngest daughter I have no future other than as the wife of some lord to which my mother would have ties by marriage.”

Slowly hesitantly she raised her head but did not meet the consul’s gaze. “But here, I have seen how I could achieve myself as the legendary Sunu advised.” Lotus paused searching for the words or the courage.

“I do not hold with the Empress’s support of the White Tigress sect. They grow too powerful and if my understanding of dao is sufficient, their teachings are blinding people to the cultivation of their true nature!” Lotus sat with a defiant look and Desert saw that she was ernest in her criticism.

“And I take it you have had Tigress training?” asked Jade.

“Yes Madam,” replied Lotus politely.

“And Master Gaze has seen to your commencement of the Nine?”

“Yes Madam,” replied Lotus again.

“And have you cultivated with Solemn Cloud yet?”

“No Madam.”

“Good,” and Jade climbed to her feet and picking up little Jade she waved Lotus back as she made to help her.

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