Chapter 10g - Threefold Enlightenment

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Threefold stronger than the yin yang melding of dual cultivation. For does not the oneness of wu give rise to the eternally dynamic complementary duality of yin and yang. And does not the two of the yin yang give rise to the duality resolving trinity of the san bao, the heaven, earth and life. Of master, disciple and teaching. Of father, mother and child. Of the seeker, the practice and the enlightenment.

Moon, Eyes and Laugh, melded into that formless nowhere and timeless nowhen that an individual may learn to move in and out of during the deepest of meditations and the most poignant epiphany. Here there were three and the three treasures opened for each of the warrior priests of the Temple of the Mother’s Naked Heart.

Moon had long been able to meld his three elixir fields and now was immersed in a three-fold expansion of all he had previously experienced. The transmutation was an eternal moment forever flavouring their lives like the most exotic of spices, forever lighting the darkness of lives thought to be already lit by the brightest of inspirational light.

After this they would return to conscious thought with all of its doubts, its imaginings and its memories. They would each face the challenge of learning to live their enlightenment.

Each would still bleed when cut, retch when fevered and empty their bowels after eating.

Each would still thirst in the heat, shiver in the cold and stink after working in the fields.

Each would also smile at every turn and twist of their lives and each would learn how to return to this eternal moment first opened up to each of them here.

It was mid afternoon when Laughing Moon awoke. Shining Eyes and Joyous Laugh roused as he did and together they walked to the Training Hall.

Here they performed the ritual dedications of their enlightenment to the Temple. Confirming their bonds of teacher and student and continuing the line of transmission that was the way of the Warrior Priests of the Temple of the Mother’s Naked Heart.

They moved to the centre of the training hall and opening with the Dragon Dedication they moved into their individual training forms. They moved about each other as if some form of slow martial dance, counterpointing each other’s style and learning where each could complement the other.

Laughing Moon moved effortlessly into his Twelve Animal exercises, and the two Warrior Priestesses moved similarly into their versions of the same. The training hall echoed with the roars and growls of their spirit animals as each achieved transcendence of the physical characteristics emphasised by that particular form. This continued until all twelve forms had drawn the three Temple acolytes into the Dance of Dragons.

Their shared meditation had yielded a Dragon Pearl within the elixir field of the lower abdomen in each of the now transcended acolytes. Their bellies glowed with warmth and tremored now and then as their shimmering Dragon Pearl stabilised with their practices, making them pregnant with Dao shen, the universal spirit.

Moon had not felt such complete oneness with his Dao ever before. The completely unexpected appearance of the Pearl filled him with its presence like nothing before in all his training, except perhaps of course his first enlightenment under his Master’s guidance and provocation. The Pearl marked the final step in an acolyte’s training toward independence. Each would now birth their own Dragon spirit when ready. They would then walk the world as true Warrior Priests of the Dragon.

Satiated yet awakened to new realms, they bathed each other, then prepared food and fed each other. In silence they made up an extended netted area inside the hall and, combining their bedding, they slept and slept and slept.

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