Chapter 4c - Blessings of the Tigress

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Can perfection be experienced, can it be lived in this world where one people believe one thing and other people believe something entirely different? Where wars are fought not just over beliefs, but over land and riches and over the love of a man or a womyn.

Are the holy wars of the church as it attempts to rebuild the Holy Land after the Frederichan Reformation just as sullying to the cloth of the church? Mud still clings to the hem of the Mater’s robes no matter how perfect we believe her to be.

With true perfection only possible in the afterlife, then was I free to experience this life in all its fullness and so upon my deathbed repent the material life and accept the perfection that Jesus declared was ours in the afterlife?

For was he not angry in life and cast out many from the Temple? For was he not loving in life and brought forth children with the Magdalene? For was he not sad in life and pitied the disciples?

Alas, my mind roiled in confusion with all of these thoughts. I was saved such torture when a most beauteous womyn walked up to me and took my hand. She was of pale skin like me and spoke the Soong not the Han language, but with an accent I had not before encountered.

Her green eyes were liquid jade and her lips were rouged the colour of dark roses. Her dark wavy hair was piled and knotted like serpents in a coiled embrace.

Her gown was of floral silk with a broad sash that wrapped around her slender waist and over one shoulder. Her slippers tucked around her toes and did not cover her whole foot.

I walked arm in arm with her from the hall of Wimyn and down a long wood panelled corridor. Though most doors were closed, many sounds of pleasure could still be heard. Some doors were open and in some of these men or wimyn were being pleasured.

We stood and I was bid observe many of these cavortings. Men with wimyn but never wimyn with wimyn or men with men as I might have expected of such a pleasure house.

Upon mentioning this to my escort she was most taken aback and I was most emphatically informed that this was a house of honouring the man and nourishing the womyn and this was the most high act of honouring possible between a man and a womyn.

I was greatly puzzled by her demeanour but my beauteous escort caressed my arm at these moments as if to stir my longing. She told me of herself and asked me not to be distressed and after my audience with the White Tigress I would be instructed in the skills involved in being able to nurture wimyn in the accepted way.

She said she was a Jomon nun training to become a White Tigress and that I had been chosen by the head of the White Tigress Order and so was greatly privileged. I called her by her adopted name of Su nu.

I followed her as if in trance, for it seemed that my mind had separated even more from my body and was content with observing all that took place without further disturbing the body with thoughts of philosophy or analysis of morals.

We came to the end of the corridor and halted before a large carved wooden door covered in scenes of wimyn and dragons. It was inlaid with jade and mother of pearl and the handles and fittings were of gold.

My escort knocked twice and a gong sounded deeply in response. Immediately the hall behind us fell silent and, as we stood before the inner sanctum, I observed many faces peering around the doors in the corridor we had just walked. The great door opened and we entered.

The room was even more magnificent than any other of the Inn. Every wooden surface, the beams, the rails and edgings were carved with dragons in every form of embrace. My face reddened and I felt my skin moisten with sweat for I was immediately assailed by more than my imagination could encompass.

Every wall surface was hung with paintings of tigers of both the yellow and the white form usually accompanying some female sage in a forest setting. Lamps of the most ornate ceramics lit the room in such a way that the shadows were as important as the light in the interplay of images.

I was bid sit before a painting depicting mountains, waterfalls and a white Tiger laying at the feet of an old womyn. Another beauty entered the room and placed a bowl at my feet. She was dressed similar to Su nu but was of Soong appearance.

Su nu stood nearby while my boots and stockings were removed and my cassock raised to my knees. At once my stomach churned and my mind retreated into deeper observation.

Though I felt that I may be overcome with nervousness something lingered from the tea I had partaken of and my hands remained dry and my membrum stirred only somewhat.

The Soong beauty gently washed my feet one at a time. She patted them dry with the softest silk. Then another appeared and firmly massaged scented oil into my legs and feet. Meanwhile Su nu stood beside me in silence and rested a hand on my shoulder.

They bid me stand and then escorted me through curtains to another room. The floor and walls were of polished stone and the room was without windows. A steaming pool was built into the floor and occupied a full two-thirds of the room.

The two Soong beauties undressed me while Su nu stood by. The Soong wimyn giggled while Su nu calmed me with reassuring words. I was then led to one side of the room and bid sit on an ornately carved stool.

Here the wimyn bathed, washed and massaged me with hot water, lathering me all over with herbs and then rinsing me with scented water. All the while they sang of love and nature and laughed good heartedly at my nervousness and the effect of their touch on my body.

As before in the palace of the Empress, my head swam and my senses reeled with the perfumes, the warmth and the beauty. I was shaky but I had no feeling of emission and so I was led like some drunkard to the pool and my Soong escorts and I entered the water together. The water was warm and heavily scented with herbs and my skin immediately tingled under their effect.

My beauteous companions took turns in teasing me and massaging me. My membrum stood more erect than I could ever remember. I felt the urge of release stir deep inside me, my breath quickened but as I felt the urge spread into my groin, hands massaged my genitals and then pushed firmly into the skin immediately behind them.

The urge passed and I felt a wave of pleasure spread up my back. Time and again the urge seized me thus and each time it was sublimated by deft hands until my body trembled continuously. When at last I could tolerate no more and I attempted to seize one of the beauties in an intimate embrace, there was great laughter and Su nu struck a gong that resounded deeply.

The resonations vibrated the very water I was bathed by and I was startled from my passion. My two nymphs coaxed me from the water, I was dried and dressed in a silk gown. I was led back into the dragon room and into the presence of a veiled womyn seated on a richly decorated stool in the shape of a dragon’s head.

This womyn held herself most regally, and immense power emanated from her. I stood before her and she unveiled her darkly rouged lips. She lifted her head to gaze at me through the veil and I could only just make out the basic form of her face. There was something about her though, something deeply familiar.

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