chapter 11

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The next day we stopped in land to see if there are any lords that stopped there. We saw nothing there so we decided to camp their and then leave the next day. I was laying down on the sand with Caspian next to me. We laid there in silence gazing up at the stars.

"I heard screaming." He said and turned to look at him. "When your professor was on board. I wanted to see what was going on yet I kept begin hesitant to myself. I trust your professors but I want to know what happened yesterday?" He said.

"He entered my mind." I said. "Thats what Voltimort would do to find his enemies weaknesses. The process of going through that is painful. I had to act now or else he'd go through my mind and kill everyone I love. He knows too much already he can't know about you." I said looking at him scared he smiled at opened his arm for me to get into.

"Even though I had nothing to do with that night I'm still the chosen ones sister he's after me because of Harry and he'll enter my mind to find anything about me." I said.

"We'll get through this." He said kissing my forehead.

"I'm scared of whats coming Caspian." I said and he held me tightly.

"What are you scared of?" He asked.

"I'm scared of him killing you, Narnia, my family." I admitted and he smiled. "He already knows too much though. He knows I'm a queen of Narnia, he knows Harry has a sister, and he knows the population of Narnia that has grown in the past three years. If it's a war he'll want he's going to get it and but then not even the Pevensies's can save us from him." I said and i was right if the world of magic that happens in Narnia is to fall no one can save it but the boy the prophecy lies upon.

"Get some sleep then and whatever happens happens." he said and I cuddled up to him my eyes becoming heavy.


As I was sleeping in Caspian's arms I felt like there was something or someone watching us. I slowly moved my hand to where my want is which was next to my dagger. I suddenly heard voices. I couldn't tell if they were male or female but I know their whispering.

"They bought a pig along with them." I felt movement going around.

"This ones female." One whispered.

"So is this one." another whispered.

"So is this one." One said and a voice was standing right above me.

"This one reads." One said.

"I feel a magical sense here." The one close to me said and I clutched my wand tightly.

"Maybe its the one being tightly held by that male." One said and I was thankful that Caspian was holding on to me.

"Lets just grab the one that reads and go before the Oppessor wakes up." One said and I felt one of them grab something and the sound of whimpering. I opened my eyes slightly to see Lucy up in the air as though something is holding her and covering her mouth until she was out of sight. I shook Caspian trying to wake him up.

"Caspian." I hisses shaking his arm that was around me.

"Caspian wake up." I said louder.

"What." He said shooting his head up with his arm still tightly around me. I pointed at Lucy spot which was next to Gails bed.

"Lucy's gone." I said and he went straight to Edmund and started waking his up.

"Ed. Ed wake up." Caspian hissed quickly trying yo wake Edmund up.

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