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Eren : Eren's secret is that he never goes to sleep without talking to his mom. Though she has passed he can still feel her in spirit and it honestly gives him the strength to go on everyday. He talks to his mom and sometimes in his dreams she'll talk to him, though it's a bit too fuzzy for him to remember. He cherishes the dreams though, and the moments in life where he can tell that his mom was there with him. Like the time it was just an ordinary day until Eren, not being cautious, walked into the street right when a car was coming. Before the driver or Eren could react, the car just totally went out of control without the driver doing anything . After the little accident, and after Eren cursing the guy out, he thought about the events and how he felt when the car barely missed him. How he felt just totally safe and secure, though it was a traumatic experience. He didn't know what to think of it till he heard his moms voice. To put it in short, he never cried as hard as he did that day.

Armin: Armin is surprisingly religious. Though he has a bad time controlling his rare cursing and morality he is a very strong Christian. He hasn't told anyone about it though, thinking that they'd make fun of him. Especially since in the modern days people go by evolution and all that jazz. He never really thought about religion until his grandpa passed. He always disliked life in general for all his losses until the day of his grandpas funeral. One of his grandfather's friends gave him a neck less and spoke a quote, "Jesus Wept" .
Armin honestly didn't know how to handle this. Why did the stranger say this? He didn't even know the half of it but did indeed look the quote up.
John 11:35 . The verse that lead Armin up onto his feet fully. He honestly became more lively ever since that day
( and high key if anyone tries to make a joke about Christianity he would low key tell them how stupid they are and correct them in a millisecond)


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