"I'll be right back. I have to make a few calls."

    "No, Calum stay," She begs, "Please." My heart aches, looking into her pleading eyes.

"It'll be quick, I promise," I assure her, "I just have to call management and explain all of...This." She nods, understanding before I walk out into the hall. Taking out my phone, I dial the tour manager, Rick, and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hood, you better have a damn good explanation for why we had to cancel and reschedule another concert because of you," Rick growls, answering on the first ring.

"Hey, the first time wasn't my fault and you know it," I argue.

"I don't want to hear it, Calum," He interrupts, "What I wanna know is why the hell did you run off the stage four minutes into the concert!"

"Well, if Luke wasn't trying to fucking hurt my best friend maybe we'd still be performing right now!"

"So now it's Lucas's fault? Or the girl?" Rick huffs, "I knew that when I told you she could come there would be trouble."

"Skyler didn't do anything, Rick!" I shout into the phone, "She would never do something to fuck up this tour!"

"I don't think we should be having this conversation over phone--"

"No, don't hang up just because you can't handle being yelled at," I snap. The line goes silent for a few seconds before he speaks up again,

"Calum, just think for one minute," Rick begins, his voice tire from arguing with me, "Next time you're in the hospital it might not be Skyler in that hospital bed."

Then he hangs up.

Leaving me, with the back of my head pressed against the wall in the empty hallways of the hospital.


When I walk back into the room, Ashton says something that makes Skyler laugh. I lean in the doorway with my arms crossed smiling at her joyous state and get lost in the scene before me. Out of the corner of her eye she notices me and smiles even wider,

"You're back!"

"Yep, told you I'd be quick," I laugh kissing her forehead and sitting back down in the chair I pulled up earlier.

"Hey, Cal, we're gonna go to the cafeteria to get some food, want anything?" Michael asks.

"Nah, I'm good," I say flickering my eyes between him and Skyler to show him that I'm kinda busy.

"Oh... Ooh, okay," Michael grins, "Got it. Well, have fun you two, but not too much fun. If you know--"

"Michael, you dumbass, let's go already," Luke groans pulling him out by the ear. Skyler looks at me confused,

"Do I wanna know?"

"Probably not," I chuckle.


"You know I can never pass that up." Skyler scoots over allowing me to squeeze in next her.

"It's a small bed isn't it?" She laughs, "But I don't care because it brings me closer to you." She smiles and turns around to face me. I wrap one arm around her shoulder and one around her waist, pulling her close while she rests her head on my chest.

    "I'm not going to let anything hurt you again," I promise her. Skyler lifts her head and looks at me.

    "Calum, I know that you'll be there for me. You wouldn't be in this room with me if you weren't."

"I know but still," I try to argue, then sigh knowing that it's now or never, "Sky?"


"I love you," I manage to say through the nerves welling up in my chest, "And not as a friend, after seeing you again after all these years things have changed and I can't help--" My rambling is suddenly cut off with a pair of chapped yet soft pair of lips, until they pull away.

"I love you too, Hood," She smiles.

"R-really?" I stutter in disbelief.

"I swear to god, Calum you are still the most oblivious person in the world!" Skyler exclaims, letting out a small laugh.

"Am not!"

"You so are!" She laughs, "It's kinda funny actually."

"Okay, okay. You win," I sigh in defeat.

"I'll always win," Skyler smirks before leaning down to press another kiss to my lips, "Just promise me one thing?"

    "Anything for you." She grabs my hand and places it on her chest.

    "This," She says motioning to her heart, "Is all yours, Cal. Promise me you won't break it." I pull her face gently to mine, and kiss her forehead. She grabs my hands and closes her eyes, kissing the palms of my hands.

    "I promise," I whisper, "As long as you do the same with mine." Skyler nods before returning to her position on my chest, both of us falling asleep minutes later.


"What do you think you're doing?" A strained, loud voice shouts, "Patients are the only ones aloud in the beds!" I jolt up at the sound of the nurse, bursting through the door

    "Now you've had enough time in here, it's time for her check up to see if she can leave. So get out!" I nod sighing, and turn to Skyler mouthing,


    "I'll see you in a bit Cal, do't worry." She confirms, trying not to laugh. I grin at her and wink, she immediately begins to blush as I laugh and walk out of the room.

Luke was the only one in the waiting room when I come out and I mentally curse, although I knew I had to talk to him soon. I guess Luke was thinking the same thing because he came up to me first.

    "Hey, Calum just hear me out, please?"

    "Okay, explain to me why you had Skyler backed into a wall!" I snap. I stand up getting closer to him, "Do you know how scared she was?"

    "Wait, what do you mean she was scared? Of me? How?" He looks at me confused.

    "She had a nightmare about you, Lucas!" I yell, "She told me the thing you did to her and I knew you wouldn't be someone to do that! But I guess I was wrong." Luke's eyes grow wide, his face pale.

    "Calum, I had no idea—" He starts.

    "JUST STOP!" I say breathless, Luke goes silent, "When you pushed her up against that wall, her nightmare became a reality. Don't you understand?" I shake my head. "I told myself you would never do any of those things to her, but look where we are now!" I let out a deep breath and sit down in one of the waiting chairs with my face in my hands. I look up and see Luke standing in front of me. He reaches a hand out and I take it as Luke pulls me up out of the chair and gives me a hug. I flinch, but relax, throwing my arms around him like a little kid and start crying for real this time.

    "I'm sorry Calum. For everything." Luke apologizes. I forgive him because at the end of the day, I know that we need to be there for each other as a band, and as brothers.


Hey so it's been a long time since I've updated this one so here an extra long chapter ;)

- Amber xx

Beside You | Calum HoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora