Chapter 4

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Once the alarm could be heard, all of the prisoners got up from their seats and made their way towards their jobs. Somehow, Ezra was able to limb to his work station...although he was nearly crawling; once the two men saw this, they dropped their hammers and helped him to sit on one of the rocks. "You okay Ez??" Kanan asked with much worry "I'll live, this isn't the worst beating I've ever had" that statement made the two Jedi cringe, as well as feel angry bubble up inside of them "it's wasn't right!! Or fair!!" Anakin exclaimed, but all the teen did was shrug "what do you expect?? This is an Imperial prison". he had a point. 

The three fell silent as Kanan focused on cleaning and patching the kid up the best he could, although he still looked pretty bad. For two hours, the three spoke, beat the rocks and took a few five to ten minute breaks; they suddenly heard one of the guards yell "Bridger!! get to the mine now!!". Groaning, the teen said goodbye to the men before doing as told, making the make shift harness, grabbing the flashlight before climbing down to get to work. "Do you think that mine is safe at all??" Kanan asked his friend as they took a quick break "Kanan's a mine owned by the Empire" Anakin reminded "I doubt anything in this hell hole is safe" he was probably right, but sadly, it was about to be proven. 

Just as they were about to continue wit their jobs, yells and orders could be heard coming from a small group of prisoners...they were crowded around the mine?! The two Jedi raced over to see their friends also gathered there "hey, what's going on??" Sabine asked as none of them know; one of the prisoners turned to her "the kid's down in the mine but the rope that's holding him up is starting to snap!!". All eyes widened "so if the rope snaps...Ezra falls and dies" Hera finished with horror; they were all trying to figure out what to do - the guards left as they couldn't give a damn. They tried to pull the kid up but when they did, the rope would snap more!! 

"It's no use!! We pull at it and the thing will break altogether!!" Zeb exclaimed; Anakin agreed "someone needs to go down there and get Ezra!!". Once of the prisoners grabbed a long piece of rope and handed it to Kanan after he said "okay, I'll go" he tied it around his waist and through his legs like Ezra did before climbing down, all of the prisoners holding onto the other end. It took about five minutes before the man could see the fifteen year old. "Ezra!! You okay?!" the teen looked up in complete surprise from the voice "what the!? Kanan?!" the said man nodded "yeah, it's me kid" he confirmed before repeating his question "are you okay??". Ezra was still surprised by the fact that Kanan was down in the mine with him - he was rather worried actually "yeah, I'm fine but I hit my head on the wall when...I don't know, the role jolted or something??" the kid had no idea what was going on or that he was in danger!!

 "Kanan, what's going on?? Why are you down here??" Ezra asked, earning a sigh "the rope you're's about to snap" the boys eyes widened with horror and fear. Kanan continued to be lowered by the other prisoners, getting closer to the teen when the rope began to jolt again from the strands snapping "Kanan" the panic and worry was clear in the boys voice. "I'm nearly there kid" the man attempted to reassure; the rope's strands snapped some more "Kanan" more panic, worry and now fear "just a few seconds more". But to their horror, they didn't even have a second to spare as the rope. Completely. Snapped!! "Kanan!!".

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