Chapter 14: Cursed

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-=+=- The Key -=+=-

Y/n= Your Name
L/N= Last Name
T/N= Title Name
H/N= Horse Name
H/C= Hair Colour
E/C= Eye Colour
V/N= Village Name
F/C= Favourite Colour

~~~ That's all you really need to know right now, there will be more added later. :3 ~~~
(P.S. There will probably be mild swearing, so you have been WARNED!)

Lucinda's P.O.V
I woke up, well at least I thought I did. It was incredibly dark so it was like I never even opened my eyes. I heard a groan.

"Aphmau... Garroth...? You guys here...? Are you okay?" I asked in a whisper.

"I'm okay... I think..." Aphmau replied.

"What about you, Garroth...?" There was no reply. "Garroth?"

"I'm here..." A husky voice moaned.

"Why is it so dark in here...?" Aphmau asked. "The T/N has a dark mind...?"

"Well, it would be a good guess, since she has killed many people for no reason..." Garroth said. 

"Let me add some light in here..." Even though we were inside the T/N's mind, I can still use my magic. I chanted a few words and a small blue fire appeared on my right hand. "Is that better?" They both nodded. We all looked around and I was horrified at what I saw. There were chains upon the wall, dusty and unused. Seems like no one has used these for a long time... There were dried up blood stains on the walls. The floor was concrete with many crakes and mice scurried along, trying not to be stepped on.

"It seems we're in a jail cell..." Garroth examined. 

"But why would The T/N have a jail cell in her head..."

"Her past..." I muttered softly but loud enough for them to hear. Then silence over came the room. A few moments later, we heard footsteps. Boots clanging against the floor. I signalled Aphmau and Garroth to follow but to be quiet. We went up to the jail cell's bars and watched as a woman in a black cloak walked past. 

"It's The T/N..." I quietly said. She walked and then stopped. She looked our way and I hid around the door frame. There was silence, and I held my breath, not wanting to be found. Then the footsteps continued. I sighed in relief. That was close... We need to be careful... I scooted back to where I was, with Aphmau and Garroth behind me. The T/N was walking some more until a cry stopped her.

"Please... Miss... Please could you get me some food and water..." A raspy voice called. She stayed quiet. "Please just a little..." She said nothing. "Anyth-" He was cut off by a dagger slicing through his head. In all the other cells there were screams and yells.

"You monster!"

"Go die!"



"Shadow Knight!"

I was petrified at the site. Is this what The T/N always thinks about...? Was her childhood that bad...? Then our bar cells opened by them selves and we ran out quietly. We followed The T/N around and we peeked into the other cells. It was terrifying. These people were already dead, but they were still alive. Are they haunting her...? Garroth poked me to started following again. There was a dark hallway. Like a haunted house. There were screams of men and woman, that made us all jump a bit. We kept following The T/N and she entered a door. We went through that same door, but The T/N was no where to be found. The small blue fire I made was hardly emitting any light. So I put it out. It was dark but for us we could see clearly... The T/N was a little girl. She had a short white dress but had blood stains everywhere and had a small little dagger. Dead bodies laid all around her. Her tiny hands were covered with blood and she had streaks of blood along her face. She looked emotionless. Like she had nothing to say about what she had done. The door slowly opened to reveal a small little boy with blonde hair. He was crying. When he opened his eyes he spoke. His mouth was moving but I couldn't hear anything. I only heard the words 'I hate you!', 'I hope you die!' and 'You killed my family!'. She killed this poor little boy's family...? Who is this guy...? I looked over to Garroth and a tear rolled down his cheek. He was sad but he had fury in his eyes. That boy was... Garroth... As the small Garroth ran away, The T/N was left alone. Garroth grabbed his sword. Tears fell. He ran to The T/N and was about to stab his sword right through her chest.

"GARROTH! NO!" I yelled, but it was too late. He had already swung his sword, but something happened that made me relived. His sword went right though her. He threw down his sword and fell to his knees. He placed his hands over his face as he cried. Aphmau ran over to him and comforted him.

"Listen, Garroth. The T/N couldn't have killed your family because Zane and Vylad are still alive." He had calmed down a bit and looked at her.

"You're right... Thank you..." She smiled. Then the small The T/N breathed out something.

"I'm sorry..." But it seemed like Garroth nor Aphmau heard it. It was only me. Then we disappeared from that room and we were in a village. A little girl ran past us with many guards chasing her. Then ZAP! The scene changed. It was in the jail of our old guard tower. The T/N was sitting in the cell and we were outside.

"This is our chance!" Aphmau whispered-shouted. "The T/N!" 

"Aphmau...? Lucinda...? Garroth..." She looked like she tensed up when she saw Garroth. He glared at her, but she stayed emotionless.

"The T/N we have something to tell you. Well Lucinda has something to tell you..." Aphmau told her. The T/N looked at me, waiting to hear what I had to say.

"You have a curse."

"Well that was blunt..." Aphmau said shocked.

"I have to make this fast." My gaze became serious. "The T/N, you have the Shadow Demon curse."

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