Chapter 2

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A holding cell.

Not my first time here. It's like my third time in a holding cell.

First time was for beating up a guy at a gas station for not giving me what I wanted.

Second was for trespassing by the abandoned school about a block away from my high school and doing graffiti on it.

And this time, running away from home. My parents called the police on me. I can't believe them right now.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, the officer let me out of the cell to my parents who were waiting in the waiting room. And by parents I mean, a mom that does give a shit about me and a step father who hates my guts.

"Carter. I packed your bags, a van is waiting for you outside to take you to Melbourne."

"MELBOURNE?! I thought it was still in this city?! Mom we live in Sydney!"

"It was the closest option. There are no boarding schools for you here."

I walked into the parking lot to see a white van that said Greenwich Academy
Institute for troubled teens.

"Troubled teen? That's what I am to you."

"Carter honey. This will help you."

"So I need help now? Well, I'm sorry I'm not the daughter you wish you had."

And with that I got in the van.

"Thanks for driving me here." I said to the driver.

"No problem miss."

I grabbed my bags from the trunk and walked into the schools office.

"Carter Tegan?" The lady at the counter asked me.

"Um yeah."

"Here's the key to your room. Room 237, in dorm building 3. Here's your class schedule. Let me know if you need anything else." She said with a big perky smile handing me my room key

"Ok thanks"

She so perky. It's annoying. I hope not every staff member here is like that.

As I approach my dorm building I pull out my phone to text Chad.

"No phones allowed." I look up to see a big man about 30 standing in front of the door.

"Oh yeah? And who might you be?"

"I'm the dorm guard. Your the new girl right?"

"Yeah." I said crossing my arms.

"There's a strict no phones policy."

"What kind of a hell hole is this place?!"

"Hand it over. If you need to call someone there's a wall phone in your dorm. And a computer." I had a sigh of relief. A computer isn't so bad, I could just Skype Chad.

I handed the guy my phone and made my way up to my dorm.

I come out of the elevator and accidentally bump into someone.

"Hey watch where your going bitch."

I look up and see a girl around my age. She has long black hair, blue eyes, and flawless cheek bones.

"Sorry, I'm new here. My names Carter."

"I don't care." She spat in face, flipped her hair and walked away.

Well damn.

"I see you've met Stephanie." I hear someone behind me chuckle.

I turned around and see a tall blonde boy leaning against the wall. He looked about 17. His blonde hair quiffs up and he had some bright blue eyes. You could never forget his eyes.

"I'm Luke." He said walking up to me
"What's your name new girl?"


"Well Carter, I'm sure Stephanie did a nice job of welcoming you here. Why don't I help you unpack."

"No thanks."

I pushed past him toward my room.

"Wasn't really a question... I'm still helping. What's your room number?" He yelled after me.


"I don't know maybe we could hang out later."

"I have a boyfriend, so you can hangout elsewhere."

"Dang we just met and you're already telling be about your problems."

Dang. No gonna lie, that was a good one. I like this guy. But I couldn't let him know that

"Oh fuck off pretty boy."

He laughed. "Come on, just let me help you out. Nothing more."

"Whatever. Room 237." I threw my bags at him while he struggled to pick them up and followed me.

The room look so... Old. Yet when you came further inside it seemed cozy.

I unzipped my suitcase and started putting stuff in the dresser while Luke sat on my bed.

"I thought you were gonna help."

"Yeah but it's boring just putting clothes away."

"Well can you go be bored somewhere else?"

"Okay okay ms sassy pants. Here's my room number if you need anything." He scribbled it down on a note pad and left.

Finally. Some peace and quiet.

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