+ Tribute Form: Andie Kendall +

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Game: Author's Games: Zugzwang by a-k-a-anonymous :: SEMI-FINALIST

Name: Andie Kendall

District: One

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Weapon of Choice: A high voltage taser baton, she prefers one longer than her arm, though if she can't get her hands on one at all she's fine with any form of hand to hand combat as well.

Physical Appearance: She has long black hair that is dyed a bright lime green in the front, and she usually keeps it up in two buns in the back. Her eyes are a bright emerald color that accent her olive toned skin and she is about average height for a girl her age, possibly somewhat taller. She speaks with a slight lisp due to having one of her left front teeth chipped harshly, and she has a lip ring on the right side of her lower lip.

Personality: Extremely mischievous and playful, Andie has a never ending humor and is a master of the shiteating grin. The only time she isn't cracking her usually horrible jokes is in a serious situation, or when someone is mad at her. (Though she may try to make a joke or two to lighten the mood.) She hates it when anyone is is upset, and has the mindset of a kicked puppy: even if she didn't do anything she still feels guilty about it. Even so, she's still a daredevil, has a knack for unintentionally picking fights, and she seems to always be looking for someone to fall for next; which is why many of her friends think she's a real dork. She is slightly perverted though, and because of this many of her jokes are crude.

Background: Having grown up with three older brothers, she's grown fairly tough over the years, and her chipped tooth came from a fight with her second oldest brother. (She actually got her lip piercing to try to draw attention away from it, as it couldn't be fixed without making the teeth uneven.) She used to be a fairly sweet kid though, but after growing up with asshole brothers, strict parents, a lenient district, and fairly questionable friends, Andie grew into the stupid rule breaking kid she is today. The only reason she's even in the games is because she idiotically accepted the dare from her friends to volunteer for it.

Token: Her mother's silver locket, given to her on the day of the reaping. It's nothing real special to her, but she's grown sentimental about it and would be upset if she lost it.  

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