+ Tribute Form: Willis Dale +

9 0 0

Game: Author's Games: Castle by Josie-tee : : QUARTER FINALIST

Name: Willis Dale

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Tribute Number: Nine (9)

Physical Appearance: He is an average height for his age, though he seems taller due to his lanky build. His skin is somewhat pale, so luckily the thin white scar over the bridge of his slightly crooked nose isn't too noticeable. He has a grin that is almost as crooked as his nose, and even though it would seem like he is up to no good, it is usually intended to be more sheepish than mischievous. His dark brown hair is generally extremely disheveled, and the dark, almost black color causes his inky emerald eyes to seem darker than they really are. His fingers are usually fidgeting with something; whether it be his clothes, his hair, or just some small object, he's found that keeping his hands busy make him less likely to want to steal things.

Personality: Willis is technically 'openly' gay, though open is the last word that would be used to describe him. He is generally fairly introverted and quiet, with the tendency to be a compulsive liar. If someone asks him a yes or no question his immediate reaction will be to say no if the answer is yes. He's a skilled thief with quick fingers, but he has such a modest and high sense of honor he'd never admit to being as good as he really is. He really wishes he could abandon his thieving ways to be a noble and just person like a true king, but due to his kleptomania he just can't help himself. It is always unwise to leave objects unattended around Willis, as he's the kind of person who will nick them but then be too humiliated and frustrated with himself to admit to the crime.

Background: Willis is the son of a blacksmith and his wife, and the younger brother of two sisters, the oldest of which having died of a mysterious illness when he was twelve. He and his family had always been in poverty, as the materials needed to continue smithing cost so much that they barely ever make a profit. This was the original reason for Willis' kleptomania developing, as he would see food or money just laying around and because they needed it, his family would never tell him off for taking it. But obviously as he grew older, Willis became unable to control his urges to steal and due to this he was never ever really to make and keep friends for long. (His crooked nose came from when one of the other older boys from the town beat him up, breaking his nose, for stealing the boy's wallet.)

Why they entered: To try to gain some of his lost honor and bring some money back for his family.

Weapon of Choice: A hammer, though anything he can get his hands on works for him really.

Token: He couldn't choose just one item so he didn't bring one.

Other: He has severe, untreatable kleptomania.

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