Audition Task: Mission Control Centre

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Honestly, I didn't think they'd choose me. Me of all people, a college dropout with seemingly no future and an obsession with things that don't exist. And they chose me. I can hardly believe the odds, but as I look around me... I know that this was in fact happening.

I was sitting in a hot, sweaty leather bus seat by myself, my backpack bouncing along next to me as the vehicle continues to travel down a dusty Nevada highway. There were a couple other people in the sweltering hot bus as well, ones that had been picked up at the airport with me, and they were now sitting by themselves in various other seats. I wasn't really paying attention to them though, and I keep my head tilted towards the window, watching the desert-like hills roll past as we continue to drive on.

Letting my gaze slip from the monotonous road, I look down at the black bookbag next to me, the only thing I had brought with me from home. Inside I had only a few things I thought I'd need; a spare set of clothes, toiletries, my notebook, a pencil, and the exuberantly written letter that had informed me I was to leave New Jersey for blistering Nevada to explore the confidential base known as Area 51. I don't know whether the bag will be confiscated when we get there, but I thought it would be best to bring it anyway then to be able to have it but not.

Breathing out a sigh, I pull the bag towards me and unzip it, pulling out the notebook from its depths and setting it down in my lap. Frankly, I didn't have anything I wanted to write down at the moment, but I flip through the familiar pages anyway, rereading the already memorized notes on various cryptids. There were a couple cruddy sketches in there too, mostly of creatures I thought would logically look differently than what the public believes. These were all just what I thought though, and as I turn another page I am surprised to find something unfamiliar fall out of the pages.

It was a folded envelope, and as I watch it flutter to the ground I try to remember why it would be there, but I can't think of any specific reason. Reaching down curiously, I pick up the letter and turn it over in my hands, seeing no marking on the white paper other than my name scribbled in blue pen on the front.

Thoroughly confused now, I turn the envelope over again and carefully rip it open, pulling out the folded sheet of lined paper that was inside. On the paper itself was more writing scrawled in the same hand and same blue pen, completely covering one side of it. As I start to read, I'm more than shocked at what I find.


You probably won't recognize my handwriting, but this is Evee. You know, that extrovert living in the apartment next to yours? Ha, anyway, please don't be mad I was touching your notebook, I was only curious! You do have some interesting stuff in here though...

Oops, I digress. Anyway, the reason I'm leaving a letter instead of talking to you in person is because I didn't think I'd catch you before you left and I had a lot to say so I thought this was best. But so I heard you signed up for that Area 51 exploration mission thingie everyone has been talking about, and I assume that's why you're suddenly getting up and leaving so quickly?

Well, I'm just going to assume, but I think I should let you know, some of my buddies were talking about how maybe you shouldn't try this. Don't you think it's weird that the government is just suddenly letting anyone and everyone apply to explore a classified place like Area 51? I know my friends have their conspiracies and all, but what they're saying does sound kind of true if you give it a bit of thought.

Anyway... I know you probably really want to do this, having such a big interest in aliens and monsters and all, but I thought I'd let you know. Hopefully this doesn't sound too weird coming from someone who isn't really a friend of your's, and hopefully you read this before you get on that plane to Nevada! (Super siked that you got chosen though, that is so insane! My own neighbor!)

Whatever you do though, just have fun and be careful.

Your buddy,


Blinking, I reread the paper once more before folding it up and slipping it back into the envelope, sliding both it and the notebook back into my backpack again before zipping it shut. I let out a sigh and run a hand over my face tiredly, processing everything Evee had written. Mostly I just feel annoyance that she had been going through my notebook, but I also stop to heed her warning a bit. What if there was something going on? She's somewhat right though, it does seem a little suspicious when you put your mind to it...

I don't know though, I'm still excited to actually be doing this, so I don't want to worry too much yet. Besides, she should be happy, if I die over here for whatever reason then she can have all the crap in my apartment. She can go through all my notebooks then too, the annoying little...

Pushing my irritation with Evee and her concerns to the back of my mind, I look up and out the window again, surprised to find that while I had been distracted I had completely missed the change in our surroundings. The sun was now lower in the sky so that it seemed like it would be setting soon, and the bus was now pulling up to a fenced area with signs reading 'Restricted Area' and 'No Trespassing' surrounding it.

Intrigued, I watch the bus driver pull in through the now open gate and drive to a dusty parking lot, parking in front of a large, bland looking grey building. As soon as he had come to a complete stop, the other people on the bus start to pile out, and I follow quietly out at the back of the line, looking around the new sunset lit area.

I wasn't given much time to admire my surroundings though, and I'm quickly shepherded inside the building with the others by two men in uniforms that clearly stated their authority. In the lobby we are met with a nice lady in a simple grey suit dress who greets us, smiling warmly.

"Hello, and welcome to the base. Before you ask, no, this is not Area 51. This is the control center though, and this is where you'll be staying the night before you enter the area. Do any of you have any questions before we continue?" She asks in a cheery voice, and even though it was kind, she spoke in a way that sounded as though she could grow annoyed with us very easily.

No one seemed to have any questions though, and the lady's smile grows slightly, seeming satisfied. "No? Okay, good. Now if you'll just follow me, I will show you where you will be staying tonight..." She continues and turns, starting down one of the multitude of long hallways connected to the lobby, the other people I had traveled here with following right behind her.

I trail slightly behind everyone, and as I look around a feeling suddenly hits me in the gut sharply, and I couldn't figure out what it was. Home-sickness? Shock? Nervousness? Eagerness? I couldn't place a finger on what it was until we suddenly take a sharp turn down the hallway, turning to a grand room that made me realize exactly what the feeling was. It was cognization, and it was just finally settling on me now.

I'm going to see Area 51.

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