+ Tribute Form: D12 Ajax Cooper +

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Game: Writer's Games - Psychological Terror by RocketMason

Name: Ajax Cooper

Age: 15

District: Twelve

Family/Background: It is always assumed that Ajax had a family once, though when exactly, no one can guess. Ever since he was six the little troublemaker had been an orphan, though he didn't stay in the orphanage for long. No, it's not because he was adopted, it's because he discovered the matches in the warden's desk drawer. At the age of 10 he had -intentionally or not- set the coal dusted orphanage alight and ran away, living on his own for a few glorious months before he was pulled back into the system again, extra supervision preventing the stealing of anymore firearms. A few years later, before he could execute his second fiery plan for escape, he was reaped.

Personality: Impulsive, loud, and with a crude sense of humor; these are all traits that could be used to describe this pyromaniac. Ajax's that one kid your parents tell you not to hang around, that one always smelling of gasoline and carrying a box of matches in his back pocket. His most noticeable feature, and possibly the most important, is that he is extremely unpredictable, and thus very untrustworthy. One moment he may genuinely want to help, or at least seem like it, and the next moment he's full of malicious intent; Setting up people in horrible ways, leading them into dooming- usually fiery- traps, for no other reason than because he finds it amusing.

Physical Description: He has startling, unruly red hair, that makes him stand out easily in a crowd. His eyes are a warm chocolate brown and his skin is pale, with freckles dusting all over his nose and cheeks. He's slightly shorter than the average male his age, though it wouldn't be wise to mention it to him. All over his body are burn scars- over his arms, thighs, and chest- places easily covered up, but he has a strange masochistic pride in his scars and he enjoys showing them off. His fingers are more often than not wrapped in fraying layers of gauze, covering his calloused and burned finger tips.

Preferred Weapon: Lighter, torch, flame thrower; anything having to do with fire, though if not he'd prefer to use a knife of some sort.

Phobia/Mental psychosis: Aquaphobia, the fear of water, or more specifically; drowning. While District 12 isn't known for its vast bodies of water, Ajax has had one too many a nightmare of meeting a watery death were flames cannot help him, and thus he's developed the paralyzing fear of water masses deeper than his upper thighs.

Coping-mechanism/Token: His way of fighting his water fear is of course though fire, he likes to light and snuff out his lighter repeatedly, and it's somewhat compulsive by now, he normally does it without thinking about it. The lighter was seen as a weapon though, so it was taken from him before he could take it in the Games.

Tribute Owner: SpookiPunk

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