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Dylan turned his head to look at the beauty sitting next to him playing with her glass of water, staring dreamily at it. He knew by her body language that she wasn't feeling uncomfortable, so there had to be lot of things going to her head, causing her to keep quiet for the last 30 minutes. He wondered what she was thinking about and he wanted to ask her, but why would he interrupt her thoughts if it seemed like she was doing perfectly fine. And he never really got the chance to see her so calm, so he admired her for a few seconds.

That was until she looked at him, giggling at what she wanted to ask and blushing shyly, "ehm, would it look weird if I'd go to the bathroom... like, right now?"

"No, of course not," the boy shook his head, answering her question while smiling at her. He wanted to ask her why it would be, but because he probably already knew, he just let it be.  "I'll make sure you don't miss the cake."

"I love cake" she gave him a thankful smile, biting her lip in doubt before standing up from her chair, to walk away. But when she was about to look for a sign, she bumped into someone, wetting her dress by a glass of coke. The glass fell to the ground, shattering into pieces, making the girl to jump in shock. "I'm so sorry-..."

"It's fine," the man interrupted her, shaking his head while bending to collect the pieces on the ground. "It was my fault. I should've looked where I was going, really."

"No," wanting to help him to pick up the pieces, she bent down but the boy stopped her by gently shooing her away. "Why can't I help? It was also my fault." 

He shook his head, laughing as he stood up straight just like her, "the customer is always right and I just started working here, therefore it's my fault. I had to look out, you were just walking there-..." The boy looked at her dress, cursing quietly to himself, "And your dress ruined. I'm so sorry."

Cecelia sighed in pity, shaking her head at how nervous he was acting, "It's totally fine-..."

"I'm going to get fired," he almost started to panic, looking around to see if anyone had seen what happened. But nobody was looking, so he sighed and nodded his head at me, "do I have to help you to clean your dress?"

"No, it's totally fine," she blushed shyly, only now noticing how handsome he was. "I'll just do it myself. Thank you, anyway." Then she gave him a smile, turning around and walking towards the bathroom. There she grabbed a few paper towels and wetted it to try to clean her dress, ignoring her need to go to the toilet. She couldn't just go back with a big stain on her dress, making them look at her weirdly, wondering what had happened to her beautiful purple dress.

Looking into the mirror at herself, she sighed insecurely while shaking her head. There was no way she was ever going to have the dress entirely clean again with only paper towels and a bit of water. She wanted it to be though, because she didn't want to embarrass herself more than she already did between all those people she didn't know. But there was a good side, this wasn't a four star restaurant and she wasn't with her family who would make the manager to fire the boy who ruined her dress and go straight home. He was very handsome, probably around her age but there was no way he could compete to Dylan. Nobody could really compete to him, that was impossible.

The door got opened by Seana, Tyler's girlfriend, making her turn around in shock, laying her hand on her chest, feeling her heart beat heavily. "Oh, I'm sorry I scared you. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Well, Dylan wanted me to ask you if you were alright."

"I bumped into a handsome waiter, ruining my dress by a class of coke and now I'm trying to clean the stain, which doesn't really help," Cecelia told the girl truthfully, hoping there was a way she could help. "I'm too scared to go back. I'm already feeling so uncomfortable around people I don't know."

"I haven't really noticed," she grabbed another paper towel, wetting it a little and smiled. "Do you mind if I try to clean it? Maybe it helps."

"It's worth a try," shrugging her shoulders, she let Seana try to clean the stain. "So, how long have you and Tyler been together?"

"9, maybe already 10 years," the girl giggled happily. "I've known him since middle school and fell in love with him fast enough. He's a really sweet guy, I couldn't imagine dating somebody else."

"10 years is really long, that's so beautiful!" she commented, laughing. "You two should marry."

Seana didn't know how to reply, but smiled anyway, "thank you, I guess." She stopped cleaning, looking at the stain that had gotten a little less visible. "So, for how long have you known Dylan?"

"Since I was 15, he was 16," pulling a thoughtful face, she looked into the mirror to see her dress, nodding approvingly. "I think I've known for 5 years now. I'm not good at numbers, really."

"Me neither," she laughed, leaning into the counter. "That's why I'm a hair stylist now. I don't have to do anything with numbers, and if I do then I'll just grab a calculator or something."

"I'm in college now, exams are next week by the way," she played with her hair, smiling a little. "My parents and my grandfather all work at a bank and they basically would like me to work there. I'm trying to look for something else though, but I don't know what I like. Well, I know I like-..."

"What's it what you like?"

"I like to make people happy," she answered, looking at her painted nails thoughtfully. "That's what I want to do, but I don't know how. And it's just... so hard, you know, finding the perfect job."

"Why don't you just ask Dylan if you could be his personal stylist?" the brunette shrugged her shoulders while smiling brightly. "I do Tyler's hair backstage a lot. He has to do interviews, award shows and whatnot. You could ask him-..."

"But I never learned any professional stylist stuff or whatever it's called," she sighed deeply, playing with her fingers. "I can't do the things you can do."

"Aww, come on," she gave her a playful punch, smiling brightly. "You're a girl, you can do a lot with makeup and hair." Then she put a strand of hair behind her ear, "You know what, we should hang out sometime, maybe I can help you find you the perfect job. What do you say?"

"I'm okay with that, I think," she giggled awkwardly and nodded. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

Seana grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the bathroom, "come on, let's go back!" 

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