Dumbledore's Office

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Once their carriage stopped at the front of the castle doors, they hopped off and proceeded to walk up the stairs to the entrance. Malfoy opened the door, and held it for them to walk in. Malfoy made a sharp left turn, then climbed a set of moving stairs, and then took a right. About 10 minutes later, they found themselves in front of a big stone Gargoyle. Draco straightened his posture, and said in his deepest voice possible (perhaps imitating an older man) "Fizzing Whizzbees!" But the stone did not move. "Fizzing Whizzbees!" He said again, much louder. "Why won't you open, you bloody piece of stone! Move!" he said with a large tone of annoyance in his voice. "Why don't I try? Fizzing Whizzbees!" Venice boasted. At once, the stone sprang to life and moved out of the way, revealing a spiral staircase. They climbed the stairs, and walked through the doors into a huge office, filled to the brim with bright and fidgety gadgets. Paintings of what seemed to be important people hung on the walls behind them. "Professor, sir?" Venice said. Dumbledore appeared out from behind a cabinet, and smiled. "Venice, I've been awaiting your arrival for many years now. Mr. Malfoy, you may depart to the great hall for the feast. Go join your fellow Slytherins, I'm sure they are awaiting your arrival." Professor Dumbledore said. Malfoy's grin grew smaller, and looked over at Venice. "Well, see you around I guess." He said turning away and walking toward the door. "Wait!" Called Venice. "Thanks for everything, I really appreciate it." Malfoy smiled and walked out.

"So, what you're telling me sir is that I am one of the most powerful witches of my age?" Venice asked, seriously considering how sane the headmaster is. "That is exactly what I am saying. You had no need to be at Hogwarts for the previous years, because with your great power you might not have had the best control over it." Venice thought for a moment about the information Dumbledore was telling her. Dumbledore continued, " Well, we better get to the feast Ms. Evans. I will take you to Mr. Filch, who will escort you."
They walked down the steps from his office, and Filch was already there. "Professor Dumbledore, they are waiting for you!" Filch said. "Of course. Well, see you in a bit Ms. Evans! The sorting shall be fun!"

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