Chapter Nine

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I'm sorry for not updating in about three-ish weeks. Forgive me. I hope to start updating more and on a schedule. School is over for me now, and I should have more time for this story. Please vote and comment! Tell me what you guys think. Stay Safe :)



Pain and heartbreak crushed down on me. The shock evident on my face as the doctor rubbed my hands trying to regain my attention.

My baby brother might die. It might just be Em and I. They have never been apart. How will she cope? How will I cope?

"Ms. Hughes?" Doctor Branson's voice finally broke through to me as I slowly blinked and stared at him. I sensed my eyes glazing over with tears as Em just stared at me confused.

"There is still chemo therapy. We can try that and see if it helps."

The doctor quietly stated as silent sobs raked through my body.

"Where is Max?" Em pulled at the tail of the doctor's coat, "honey, he is almost on his way back. They are checking him one last time" He gently patted her hand.

I quickly wiped the tears before dragging Em onto my lap. "When will chemo start?" I asked and rubbed Em's hair. "We can start tomorrow morning. Since he is so young, the hospital is going to let you two stay in a suite in the hospital made for families." He moved to the side as Max's bed is rolled in.

Max is sound asleep with his IV pumping in antibiotics. "We also have a daycare and some nurses that go to the schools, so they could take Emma if you would like. I know you recently started looking for a job, so if you need help, ask us." He nodded before leaving the three of us in silence.

We sat there for a good thirty minutes is utter silence. A male nurse poked his head in and motioned for me to come outside.

I placed Em on the bed beside Max since they were both asleep now. I quietly stepped out of the room and clicked the door shut.

"Ms. Hughes, I came to take you and Ms. Emma up to your room, and to tell you that some people are here to see you. Max is going to have some more test ran, so the doctor can determine the dosage of chemo to use." He said before handing me a small key and badge.

"Okay. Let me grab her. Can I drop her off at the daycare while I talk to the people?" I asked before re-entering the room. "Lucida can take her. No biggie." Another nurse followed me in to pick up a now awake Em.

"Okay. Em, I will be back to get you in a little while. I am going to go home and pack some more clothes." I waved to Em as she was carried out.

"Follow me. Your temporary home is on the fourth floor." The male nurse led me to the elevator, and nodded towards the security guard going to the same level as us.

"It is right here. You will have a nice view from the living room." He grinned and pushed the door for me to enter. "The people waiting on you are on level one in the waiting area. It is easy to find." 

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