Chapter Seven

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I am so freaking sorry it has been a month since I last updated. I sort of forgot about this story even though a few people commented and voted. Thanks for that by the way.


I groaned and flipped to lay on my back. I need to find a bigger house soon. This couch is not doing it for me anymore.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Sissy? I don't feel good." Emma whined and crawled on the couch beside me and on to my lap. "Where do you feel bad at, hun?" I asked and put my head on her's.

"My belly hurts." She replied and curled in a ball. I moved her over about the time, I heard Max throw up from the bedroom. I shot up and to the bedroom to see Max double over in pain.

I picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. I took his P.J's off and sat him in the warm bath water. I called for Emma to come in there. I grabbed his body wash and began to wash the throw up from his body.

"Sissy. Why is there blood in the floor?" Emma asked. She had fear coming through her voice when she sat down next to me. "Blood? Where Max Threw up?" I quickly asked and picked Max up to dry him off.

"Yeah. A lot of it." She laid down next to me on the bed when I carried Max over to it.

"Emma put some clothes on and grab some for Max. I have to make a call to the school." Emma jumped down and ran to the closet as I went to grab my cell phone.

I dialed the elementary school, "Hello, this is Dillon Elementary. How can I help you?" A lady's voice sweetly said over the phone.

"Hi this is Brooklynn Hughes. Guardian of Max and Emma Hughes. I was calling to let you know that they aren't going to be making it to school." I said and sat back down with Max trying to pull his pants.

I reached over and pulled them up and helped with his shirt. "Okay. Are they okay? Do you want me to inform the high school?" She asked and went silent.

"They are actually sick. I might be taking Max to the ER. Please tell the school for me." I answered and picked Max up on my hip. Emma grabbed her little pink and white purse and followed me out the door.

"Oh my. I am terribly sorry. I will let you go. Bye now." She hung up as I raced out the door with Emma right on my heels. "Em, go tell Mrs. B we are going to the ER while I buckle Max in." I commanded as Em took off next door.

I heard her telling Mrs. B, and her feet pounding back. I picked her up and sat her in her car seat before clicking her seat belt and running to the other side of the truck.

Mrs. B was waving to us as I flew backwards out of the drive way and on the main road to the hospital.

"Sissy. I don't feel good." Max finally spoke for the first time all morning. "Baby, I know. I will get you feeling better. Just hold on." I patted his knee before returning both hands to the wheel.

We slid through the parking lot of the hospital before even fulling stopping the truck, my seat belt was off and the door was opened.

"Emma un-do yourself and crawl over here." I unfastened Max and hauled him up. I grabbed Emma with one arm and slide her to the ground before slamming the door shut and running up to the main entrance.

"Are you Ms. Hughes? The school already called us. Follow us back here." A male nurse met us at the door and ushered us in. We trailed behind him through the ER.

He led us into a little room and he asked me to put Max on the bed, which I did. I watched them hook cords and IVs up to his small body. Em latched herself to my abdomen.

"We are going to take and have him scanned. To be honest, Ms. Hughes. It doesn't look good." The main doctor patted my shoulder before heading in the direction of Max's bed.


I will try and update towards the end of this week. Prom is Saturday, so I don't know if I will have time until Sunday. Stay safe, guys.


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