The Train

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September 1st came around swiftly, and as soon as Venice knew, she was standing outside Kings Cross station in London. Venice and her Aunt walked in, looking quite strange with old fashioned trunks and a grey owl (the pet Venice chose). They walked together to platform 9, but then came the real challenge. How were they supposed to find platform 9 and three quarters? Then, came along a family with familiar trunks, and similar pets. They all had bright ginger hair, except for two of them. One of the boys, Venice noticed, had round glasses and shaggy dark brown hair that glistened in the light. The boy pushed his bangs to the side, and revealed a scar in the shape of a lighting bolt. Could it be? Harry Potter, standing merely 10 feet away? The famous Harry Potter was walking beside a girl with long, curly, medium brown hair. On his other side stood one of the family members with red hair, and was quite tall. Venice realized she had been staring a bit too long, and looked up at her Aunt. "Venice, those kids must know where to go, I reckon you should ask them" said Aunt Ollie. "Oh, um, right" stammered Venice. She hugged her aunt goodbye and set off to ask the group where to go. "Um, excuse me, you lot must be going to Hogwarts I suppose? I was just wondering if you could show me how to find the correct platform." Venice said. Harry Potter looked up at Venice, and said "Yeah, of course. Just follow along, it's quite easy."

"Let's find an empty compartment" said the girl with brown hair as they got on the train. "Alright" Venice agreed. They walked down the corridor of the train, looking left and right for a compartment. Venice looked right, and saw the boy with the blond hair in a compartment, with two stern looking boys (who were frankly double his size) sitting across. A very pretty girl with medium length black hair was sitting with him, laughing intently as if he just told a joke. The boy looked up at the group passing by. He gave a slight smile to Venice as she passed by. They found an empty compartment at the end of the car, where they all put their luggage on the racks and sat down. Venice sat down next to Harry, and sitting across from them was the girl with the brown hair and the tall boy with red hair. "I'm Hermione Granger, and this is Ron Weasley," indicating the boy beside her. "And that, you must know, is Harry Potter." "Hi" the two boys said in chorus. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Venice Evans, and it's my first year at Hogwarts as you could probably tell" Venice said. Harry looked up at Venice, as if she said something utterly interesting. Ron and Hermione looked a bit concerned too. "Um, did you say Evans?" Harry asked. "Yes," she responded. "That's my mother's last name" said Harry. "Really? What's your mother's first name?" Venice asked, perplexed. "Lily. Lily Evans." Said Harry. "Bloody hell!" Venice boasted. "She was my 2nd cousin!" Harry looked at her for a minute. This meant that they were related. "I thought my aunt was the only family had." Venice AND Harry said at the same time.  "I'm sorry, it must be terrible to have a story like that, Harry. I wish I knew about this sooner! You could've stayed with me and my aunt over the summer!" Venice said. Harry smiled.

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