The robot starts making really loud noises causing all of us to cover our ears, but then it begins to talk with Donnie's voice.

"Hey girls!" He says. "Like my new robot? I reverse engineered it from the Kraang droid I brought home and now I'm invincible!"

"What?" I say.

"His name is Metalhead," Mikey says, posing right beside the robot. "Catchy name, huh?"

"Anyway," Leonardo says and stands beside me. "What were you doing out here all this time?"

"We went inside their biulding," I begin to explain.

"What?" Raphael says, alarmed. "You could have gotten hurt! Did they hurt you?"

"No," I say trying to calm him down. "They didn't even see us. But we found out something terrible. They're gonna use the water supply to poison the city!"

"We have to stop them, now." Leonardo gets serious. Before they leave to kick Kraang butt, Leonardo stops Donnie.

"Donnie, you have to stay here," Leonardo says. "Metalhead is just too clumsy, it'll get in our way."

"Clumsy?!" Donnie says through the speaker and he knocks down three trash cans. "I did that on purpose to emphasize my point!"

"You stay with April and Sara," Leonardo continues. And then he runs off with Mikey.

Raphael stands in front of me. "We won't take very long. Will you be alright?"

"Will you?" I ask him.

He smirks. "We'll be fine. Stay put. Donnie, do not let them out of your sight."

And then, Raphael catches up with his brothers.


I can see that Donnie is upset through the robot, but he changes his mood in a matter of minutes when we're sitting on the rooftop of a small biulding and he's just staring at April.

"Look at her, she's so beautiful," Donnie's voice begins through Metalhead's speaker with a dreamy tone as he stares. "Right now she can't tell I'm staring at her-"

"You do know that's not muted, right?" April says.

Metalhead clumsily tries to regain balance as he desperately tries to fix things. April and I exchange looks and giggle softly, then we fall silent again.

"Do you think they're alright?" I say openly and quietly.

"They'll be fine," April comforts. "These four turtles have kicked loads of Kraang butt before."

"Say, Sara?" Donnie now looks at me.


"If one of us were to ask you out on a date, would you go out with him?"

I blush and my eyes widen. "Depends on who it would be."


"Maybe." I blush even harder.


"He likes me?" I say.

"Eh- no."

I sigh and look at the ground again.

I've only been with the turtles for two days. Is it possible to start thinking about someone in a more delicate way after very little time?

Because when Raphael smirks, when he showed concern for my safety before he ran off with his brothers, or when Leonardo's blue eyes look softly into my own and he says something leader-like, I feel something different.

But it's probably too soon.

Then, we start to hear lasers coming from inside the Kraang building.

"Shouldn't we help them?" I say.

"Leonardo said to stay here," Donnie says sadly. "Besides, there's nothing I can do."

"Why not?" I ask. "You don't have to use Metalhead. You could come here as a turtle."

"But what's the point?" Donnie says even more sadly through the robot's speaker. "I'm no good. All I use is a six foot stick and that never helps."

I rest my hand on his shoulder. "Donnie, that's not the case. Turtle as you are, you still have a human side to you. And for a human, it's very common to make a mistake. But you can't let that put you down."

Metalhead looks at me.

"Right now," I continue, "the city is in danger. But more importantly, your brothers are down there in a battle. You have to be there with them."

Metalhead stands up when we hear Mikey cry out for help and a bigger laser nearly knocks us down. "You're right! I'll go!" And he jumps into the building.

"I meant as Donnie, not as Metalhead!" I cry after him, then I sigh. "Let me go check on them."

For what I see down there, Metalhead seriously kicks butt. He shoots lasers at the Kraang and even his fist separates from his chassis to take down several Kraang robots.

"Hey Raph," Donnie says. "How's it feel to be shown up by a toaster?"

Raphael frowns when Leonardo smiles at Metalhead's effectiveness. But then, more Kraang robots appear behind Metalhead, to which he shoots fire and burns them successfully, but when he shoots at some gas tanks and creates an explosion, Metalhead flies back and loses Donnie's control.

Then, a creepy pink alien thing climbs on top of Metalhead, and now it appears to be that thing to control it. And now, Metalhead is attacking the Turtles.

Every attack against him is useless. Leonardo uses his Katanas, the Katanas that usually slice any Kraang robot in half. Raphael's Sai Kunai are worthless too, and Mikey's nunchuks aren't working much either. They can't seem to find his weak spot.

Mikey tries a kick in the male weak spot, but fails miserably and he is punched back by Metalhead.

Then, Metalhead targets Leonardo and lands a strong punch on his head that is hard enough to throw him back several meters.

"LEONARDO!" I yell in worry. Then, the same thing happens to Raphael. 

"No!" I yell again. Now, the three of them are cornered by the Kraang.

"I have to do something," I say and look around for something to throw, anything.

Then, I feel someone land beside me. 

"Donnie!" I cry out in relief.

"You didn't think I'd abandon my brothers, did you?" He says and announces his arrival. The other three brothers are very happy to see him, and they imrpove their performance at the sight of Donnie until they manage to defeat every robot in there, including Metalhead.

"Alright, boys!" I celebrate from the roof. After the turtles celebrate, we go back to the lair.


Mikey, Raphael and Leonardo are playing an arcade game among the three of them. Mikey has his usual demeanor and Raphael constantly shows off. Meanwhile, Donnie is sitting on the couch looking glum. I decide to sit next to him.

"Donnie?" I say. "What's the matter?"

He sighs. "This is all my fault."

"Indeed you are responsible," Master Splinter comes in. "Responsible for destroying the mutogen. Responsible for saving the people of the city. Responsible for defeating advanced technology using ingenuity, bravery, and a stick."

Donnie stands up, looking like he's feeling much better. "Thanks, Sensei."

Master Splinter gracefully leaves the room leaving Donatello to look at me. "Sara?"


"You helped me get up," he says sweetly. "Thank you."

"Anytime, Donnie."

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