Wednesday: Three Cents

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             The next day in the elevator, Norah took her usual spot in the corner. While she was bummed that she didn't see Cole on the commute to work, she knew he would slip into the elevator at any moment. So she watched the door eagerly on tip-toes for the moment, but as everyone squeezed in, she felt them pushing against her. Feeling pinned, she tried to push back, but it only created a group wave like a moshpit at a concert.

Despite the load of professionals in suits and pencil skirts, the shoving quickly turned into a frenzy. The last thing she wanted was to be trampled by sharp stilettos as her mind flashed to images of catching a heel through the arch of her foot. The more everyone pushed on each other, the more Norah became pinned in the corner. This was madness! She thought this as she felt the air in the elevator constricting, and she was finding it hard to breathe.

"I need air! I need air!" She yelled.

Miraculously the shoving came to a halt as Cole Collins pushed through the crowd, parting them like the sea. She didn't even notice him get into the elevator, so his presence was like a hero on a horse scooping up a damsel. He took Norah's hand and hauled her through the gap he created. As soon as the elevator doors opened, they made their escape.

It wasn't graceful as they practically barreled out and spilled onto the sixth floor. Cole caught her as she tripped, and she clung to him as they embraced like dancers in the middle of a deep bow. She burrowed her face in his blazer, desperate to hide how tomato-red her cheeks were. Norah took in a deep breath. His cologne worthy of a blissful sigh, but she held back the temptation.

"You ok?" Cole asked as he tried to steady her back to her feet and then bent his knees to be eye level with her.

Feeling foolish, she swiped away the droplets forming at the corners of her eyes. If there was one thing she feared, it was tight spaces... and being completely embarrassed in front of a crush.

"Yes. I just felt very claustrophobic." Forcing a smile, she added, "I'm afraid that's what happens when you're a short person living in a tall world."

Cole threw his head back with a laugh. "Right. I guess us 'tallees' don't know how good we have it."

His expression turned serious as he studied her. Which only made Norah more self-conscious. She ran her fingers over her hair, making sure it didn't become willy nilly during the almost panic attack. However, she could feel just how unruly it had become.

"Have drinks with me after work," Cole said, which came off as a demand rather than a question.

Oblivious to it, Norah shot her eyes up to his. Woah! Never did she imagine her day starting like this. Being able to catch a glimpse of him was one thing but being asked on a date was a completely different universe! 

Picking her jaw off of the ground, she stuttered, "O-ok." The rouge on her cheeks intensified.

"Meet you in the lobby after work?"

"Ok." She nodded enthusiastically, a wide grin spreading on her face.

He took her small hand in his and lifted her knuckles to his mouth. Kissing them, his lips lingered on her skin as he said, "see you later, Norah."

He caressed her jawline just before parting ways, leaving her standing there in a frozen state of disbelief because holy COW, Cole Collins just asked her out! Norah rushed up the stairwell to the eighth floor. She had to tell someone, but who? Despite living in San Francisco for two years, she didn't have friends. Sure, her coworkers would chat with her in the breakroom or invite her out for drinks, but that's as far as things went. As soon as she entered the office, the first person she saw was Trixy.

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