5 - Twins or Triplets?

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Fred and George Weasley often felt that something was missing. They first noticed it when they turned 3. Their birthday felt empty - like someone was missing.

So they asked their mom and dad for a little sister.

Of course, when they got said little sister a little after they turned 4, this still didn't seem to fill the gap.

They didn't like the empty feeling. The feeling that someone important was missing.

They turned to pranking later that year, it seemed to help the void every time Ginny laughed at their pranks, so they kept doing it. No matter the consequences.

They were 8 when they started feeling really off, like what - no - who they were missing was in their grasp, but that feeling left after a few months, so they started planning more over the top pranks.

That's when they went to far and accidentally turned Ron's teddy into a spider.

When their Hogwarts letters arrived, they responded yes without a second thought, or checking with their parents. They did this due to the immense feeling of accomplishment that they felt when they received the letters.

No matter the consequences, they would find this missing person if it was the last thing they did.

And so the mission started.

Wohoo! Another chapter so soon you may ask? Yes yes it is. I felt like this chapter needed to be in here somewhere just to set up some stuff later in the story. Anyway I literally wrote this in like 20 minutes when I was bored so let me know if I screwed up too badly.
See you next chapter!

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