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Eight years, no parents, no name, still called the dubbed name of 'flower-girl.' That is not how an eight year old should have to live. An eight year old should have a name like Lily or Orchid or any girls name really and parents, oh how she so wanted parents. She knew they were out there, but she wanted to know why they had decided to give her up before she was given a name. All she knew of her family before being set free of the facility was the letter W because she had searched through the children's files while she was on cleaning duty one day. The papers that released her into the hands of the caretakers were constant of the letter W for 'last initial' M and A came in and out of the picture as well. Then she was seen looking through it and was never put on cleaning duty again.


There was a loud noise coming from the lunch area. All of the children stuck their heads out of their rooms. Some hid away while others ventured to see what it was. When she reached the lunch area there where large sounds and the caretakers were fighting some other people. 'Parents that must have remembered us' she thought. She made her way to Jeremy.

"What's going on flower-girl?"

"I don't know Jeremy. Do you recognize anyone not a caretaker or child in that crowd?"

"Yeah. I think I see my parents. Why?"

"Do you think they might have finally remembered the children they gave up and came to get us?" Hope could be seen in her eyes.

"Maybe. I don't know. If only we could find out..."

He turned to gaze at her and she smirked in response. Jeremy smiled knowing what that meant. She would use magic to find out.

"Which ones are your parents Jeremy?"

"The ones with brown hair there and the blonde haired there," he said pointing at them respectively when he said their hair color.

She closed her eyes and focused solely on those two's minds. She received thoughts almost instantly. "We're coming Jeremy give us time to get past these people and we'll be right there."

She smiled at these thoughts they cared so much for their son. While she had no clue who her's were if they were even there. At that thought her small smile turned to a frown.

"What's the matter flower-girl?"

"It's nothing Jeremy. They are your parents and I'm glad they've come for you." 'I just wish my parents had come for me.'

He looked at her with a funny face.


"Do you want me to ask them to take you too? I'm sure they would!"

"Really? You think so? You think they would take a nameless eight year old red head?"


Which is how she came to live with the Ewing family. They named her Camillia Anne Ewing. Camillia after the flower meaning graciousness and Anne after Queen Anne's Lace a flower to symbolize femininity.

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