I plowed right by Niall, not wanting to say anything to him in front of my dad. 

I opened the front door and was hit by the chilly air. I saw the same beat up car that I rode in yesterday sitting in my driveway. I made my way opened to it and crossed my armed over my chest when I found out that it was locked.

Niall exited the house and I glared at him as he walked towards the car.

I don't care what my mom had to say, he wasn't getting off that easy.

When he unlocked the door I had a weird feeling in the back of my mind screaming at me to not get into the car. Like it was saying that if I went with him right now then I would be a goner. That I wouldn't be the last time I caved into him. 

When he stared talking to me, I don't know if I was fully listening to him. I was just exhausted from everything. I didn't want to go because I didn't want to fight with anyone anymore. I just needed a day to relax and not deal with everything. But he wasn't going to give up.

So I had to be the one to give up. The car ride consisted of me staring straight ahead at something that I wasn't focused on. I tried my hardest to look pissed and I think it was working because Niall wasn't saying anything. I could slowly feel my anger slipping away as that one good part in my mind, the part I had gotten from my mom, told me that he was clearly trying. If he didn't care he wouldn't be here right now. And maybe my mom did have a point. Boys forget things all the time and I haven't even let him explain.

I was slightly confused when we turned into the small park that was located near my house. This wasn't really what I was expecting.

Before I could get out of the car he turned and looked at me.

"Listen, I was so excited about today and I want you to understand that. I now I've fucked up everything and the only reason that it's happened is because I'm an idiot. I'm not going to try to blame it on you because I can't. My alarm clock didn't wake me up this morning. I know it's the shittiest excuse ever, but it's the truth. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to. I wouldn't try if I didn't care. So please just understand that this was all an accident and that I'm as pissed at me as you are." He took a breath in when he finished.

I sighed. I was done with this whole being angry thing. If I was going to be here I might as well enjoy myself. "I believe you."

Niall quickly tried to defend himself but stopped when he realized what I had said. 

I simply told him that I understood for the the most part and that I didn't want us to fight. I wanted to see if we could spend a decent amount of time together and see if we don't rip each others throats out. If we can't then it will be clear to me that him and I are meant to be enemies. And if we don't. Well I'm not entirely sure what will happen.

Niall jumped out of the car and ran around to my door before I could stop him.

He reached his hand out for mine and smiled that smile that was growing on me and said that we might as well enjoy the nice weather while it lasted.

The weather was nice for about ten minutes of the walk until it started to get windy. He would tighten his grip around my hand when ever the wind blew and I would try to get closer to him without him noticing. 

"It's cold." I said.

"Look who's talking. At least you have a jacket," he laughed.

When I didn't say anything back he looked down at our hands. "Your hand is warm though."

I blushed and looked at the trees with their changing leaves. It was absolutely gorgeous.

"I love fall. It's my favorite season," I said.

Revenge (Punk Niall Horan)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum