The Break Up!?

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*After Math Class*
Me and the girls head to our lockers. Once I open my locker, Bryson comes up to me.
"Oh my gosh!" I say annoyedly rolling my eyes.
"Hey, Lexxie I um I-" Bryson says nervously serious.
"I don't wanna talk to you right now, Bryson" I interrupt him.
"But Lexxie. Listen to what I'm trying to say" Bryson says.
"Sorry Bryson, I'm just not in the mood to talk to you right now. Or ever" I say sadly shutting my locker.
I look at him sadly. He opens his mouth to talk some more but nothing comes out. I shake my head and walk away.

*Bryson's P.O.V.*
I watch Lexxie as she walks away. Damn it, I need to figure out another way to get this feeling out, but first I think imma need to do something I think in my head. I walk away towards Kierra's locker and stands behind it.
She closes her locker and jumps.
"Woah, Bryson baby u scared me!" Kierra says.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I respond.
"It's fine, babe" Kierra says trying to kiss me.
As she tries to kiss me I push her away.
"Um, babe, Are you alright? Why did u push me?" Kierra asks confusedly.
"Yeah, I'm ight, I just, I have to tell you somethin" I say.
"Oh, um, sure babe, what is it?" Kierra asks nervously.
"It's over" I say.
"What!? What you mean it's over. Are you breaking up with me?" Kierra asks angrily.
"Yes, I am breaking up with you" I respond seriously.
"What!? Why?" Kierra asks confusedly.
"Because, I have feelings for someone else and besides, don't act like you wasn't cheatin on me anyways"  I say madly.
"What are you talking bout? I never cheated!And don't tell me you have feelings for dat other bitch" Kierra says angrily.
"I saw you with Andre Kierra, don't play dumb. And yes, I have feelings for for her and for your info she has a name and her name is Lexxie not bitch" I say irritatedly.
"I'm not playing dumb! I'm so serious baby" Kierra says trying to hug me.
"Whatever Kierra, get off of me. Gon somewhere with dat shit, it's over and that's final" I say angrily.
"B-bu-but Bry-" Kierra says sadly.
"No Kierra. It's over!" I yell madly.
I walk away madly. Kierra runs away crying.
I shake my head.

Hey ppl!🤗 I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am so glad they finally broke up. -Lexxieboo😘😜😍

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