Lunch Time

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I walk to lunch with my head down. I walked in the lunch line with my head down also.
"Um, excuse me, how am I able to give you your food if your head is down?" The lunch lady asks.
"I'll just take whatever you got" I say sadly.
"Look child, I don't know what's your problem but, you got a line behind you and I really need you to tell me what you want" The lunch lady says angrily.
"I said give me whatever you got" I respond angrily.
The lunch lady gets mad and puts a ice cream spoon full of what looked like poop on my tray.
*Looks up*
"That's just disgusting!" I say looking at the lady with a disgusted look.
"You said give you whatever I got, now leave!" The lunch lady says pointing to a table.
"It even stinks! Ew gross!" I yell disgusted.
I grab a juice box and walk to the table my best friends are at. I place my tray on the table. Jayana and Dekayla's faces turn up.
"Ew, what is that!?" Jayana asks with a disgusted look on her face.
"I don't even know... But she put it on my plate cause I said give me whatever you got" I say then making a straight face.
"Dang!" Dekayla says while giggling.
"So guys, what y'all wanna talk about?" I say feeling like no one is listening.
Jayana and Dekayla wasn't listening to me at all because they spotted Bryson walk in.
"Guys what are you looking at?" I ask them.
I turn around. I spot Bryson kissing that same random girl and flirting with her. I get up.
"Where do you think you're going?" Jayana asks.
"I'm going to talk to him" I respond politely.
"Well, be careful!" Dekayla says nervously.
"Of what?" I respond with a confused look.
I walk away and head straight towards Bryson, who was flirting and talking to that girl.
"Hi!" I say politely.
"Hey shawty" Bryson answers.
"Shawty!? Um, Bryson who is this bitch?" Asks the girl angrily.
I turn to look at the girl, I stop smiling.
"What did you jus-" I say being interrupted.
"Um, babe why don't you go in the hall I'll be out there in a min" Bryson interrupts.
"No, not until I know who the fuck this bitch is!" The girl answers angrily.
"Oh hell naw! What the fuck did you just call me?" I say angrily.
"You heard me bitch! I called you a bitch!" She responds rudely.
"I'm sorry, I'm not a bitch... A bitch is a female dog and I'm not a dog. Do you see me going around barking at people? No the fuck you don't, so get yo hoe ass out my mutha fuckin face" I say with an attitude.
"Are your sure your not a dog? I mean look at you! Ha, you're the ugliest one in this school!" The girl says rudely while laughing.
I stop and in-clutch my fists. Am I really the ugliest one in this school!? I think to myself sadly.
*looks around*
Everyone is staring at me, I turn and look at Bryson and spots him grinning. I guess I am the ugliest one in the school! I think believing everything she said. I run out the lunch room as fast as I can. The girl and her friends laugh while everyone stays quiet.
"Wait, Lexxie!" Jayana yells after me, she follows me.
"Oh gosh, Lexxie!?" Dekayla yells, she also follows.
"Lexxie!?" Bryson yells.

Bryson's P.O.V.
My girlfriend stops me from going after Lexxie.
"And where do you think you're going?" My girlfriend asks while flirting.
"Get the fuck off of me, Kierra!" I yell shoving Kierra away.
"Come on baby, you know you don't wanna go after her!" Kierra grabs me again and says.
"Kierra, I said LET ME GO!" I shove her and runs after Lexxie.

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