Chapter 23 - Tiny Ants

Start from the beginning

"You're just kidding, right?" I laughed. "A long time ago? Really? Oh, you're really cute."

I stand up then she quickly grabbed my wrist.

"I don't lie. If I ever did, I might sore my heart and bleed. A witch guy cursed me since I was born. So most of the time, I just shut my mouth." She said.

She stand up as she hold my hand instead of my wrist.

"I'm not lying. I just really want you to know." She slightly tilt her head. "I... I want you to kiss me like what you would do to a pretty lady."

"I don't think that this is a good idea." I told her.

"Just a try?" She said.

I looked away. She just kept her hand with mine. Her skin, so soft.

"I thought that I would finally experience your kiss when this day come. Guess it's just a daydream." She said. "I think my brother is looking for me now... Bye."

She let go of my hand. I just let her go a few steps then I grabbed her onto my arms. I hope this isn't bad. I leaned onto her and kissed her with love. I've never kissed a girl with love. After 2 minutes at least, I opened my eyes. She's just enjoying the kiss with her eyes closed. I smiled and stopped. I loosen my hold on her.

"Just a try, right?" I told her. "Now, I'll just back on my things to do."

I left her and went back to Leah. Man, what I've done? That is crazy. She's a minor, dude?! Ugh. That isn't right.

"Henley, where have you been? Here, this is a blood control potion." Leah told me.

I brushed my hair as I got the potion. Michael went near us and took out some potions from the box.

"Man, aren't we going to eat?" I asked them.

"Uh, Henley. Can you look for Venaira?" Rebecca asked me.

"What does she looked like?" I asked her.

"Um, she had Green eyes and a long brown hair." She said.

"Ok, I'll find her." I said.

I went back into the inner cave. She's is still there. Smiling. Weird.

"Hey, uh... Venaira." I told her.

"You know my name?" She asked with her green eyes widely opened.

"Rebecca's looking for you, little girl." I said.

She walked a few steps away from me to the mouth of the cave, she stopped.

"So you like kissing little girls too, eh?" She laughed then she continued walking.

Ugh, man.

Leah's POV

My senses were. From being a lifeless being, I've experience things that a normal human does, at least. Like hearing things normally. Now my powerful senses is back, it makes me a little bit uncomfortable when I hear Michael's heart beat whenever he came near me. It makes me sweat and feel something hot inside me.

*3:36 pm*

I've talk to Rebecca's dad about the plan. I've noticed that they're calling Michael as "Prince Lothario". Seems familiar.

It's just a few hours before we get prepared. Rebecca knew the wolves new lair. They're at the Grantdid's cave. Which Henley have been tortured days ago. It's somewhere a little far. They're not interested to the Main Vill so they just left it like that. They're really rude.

The woods that Henley have gathered earlier are already made into torches and some are sharpen to have pointy ends. Honestly, I don't want to have a bloody war against the werewolves. This is Michael's plan.

My heart beats faster when Michael went near me. He and other men went to his farm to get some animals. They're now distributing lifeless chickens and pigs.

"Leah." He handed me one.

"Thanks." I said to him. He's almost going away when I called him.

"Is there a problem?" He asked.

"Um, do we really need to do this?" I asked.

"Of course." He answered.

"Why?" I asked him. "Does it really need to kill someone for this?"

"Leah. This is the action for our freedom." He said. "We are not a toy for the werewolves to end like this. Those things are enough."

He said and then he left. He's too busy talking to the elders for the exact things to do about the plan.

"Leah," Henley trapped me on my shoulder. "Um, aren't we supposed to cook this first?" He asked as he shows me a dead chicken.

"Just deal with it." Michael answered him.

They looked at each other like they'll be fighting anytime.

"Hey." A young girl held Henley's hand and took him away.

"Pedophile, ass." Michael murmured.


"Leah, can we talk?" He asked.

We went out the cave. Not that far.

"Leah, can we talk about..." Michael asked.

"What is it? About...?" I answered.

Michael hold onto his head for awhile.

"Are you ok? Um, Michael?" I asked him.

"You know, us, a long time ago? I remember almost everything." He said.

He looks so happy. He's starry eyes looking straight into me.

"I love you." He said.

"I... I love you too, Michael. But I don't remember anything about what you're saying 'a long time ago'." I told him.

He hold my shoulders and concentrated at me for a moment. I looked at him as he stared at me.

"She will never remember anything about you, Prince Lothario." Rebecca told him.

What is she talking about? I looked at her. Michael released me.

"What?" He said.

"A curse is a curse. Yours isn't broken yet, it will never be. All that happened have just made you feel even more lost."

"Well at least we can start together again." Michael told me.

Rebecca just walked away.

"What curse?" I asked him.

"Don't mind it." He said as he hugged me tightly.

My World Without The Sun [COMPLETED] By RedGUITARistINpink (old penname)Where stories live. Discover now