Stupidly awkward moments

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Stupid awkward moments.

That awkward moment when....

1. When someone calls you while you're in the car and you answer and whisper thinking nobody will hear you.

2. When you're not sure whether your friend is laughing or crying.

3. When you wave at an old friend thinking they'll remember you but they end up looking at you like you're a freak.

4. When you're not sure if you made up a story or if its an actual memory.

5. When the most annoying person you know is complaining about someone being annoying.

6. When someone brings up an embarrassing moment from your past that you really didn't want to be reminded of.

7. When you have to get over someone that you've never dated.

8. When everyone's quiet and you and your friend are the only people talking.

9. When you get a song that you're supposed to hate stuck in your head and keep singing it.

10. When you're at a friends house and their parents shout at them and you just stand there like....."that's a nice wall"

11. When you get a sweet text and you just stand there like a weirdo smiling at your phone.

12. When someone's voice doesn't match the way they look.

13. When you want to scare someone but they take too long to come out so you give up just before they come out.

14. When someone asks you to tell them more about yourself and you suddenly know nothing about yourself.

15. When there's a group assignment in class and you automatically look at your friends smiling.

16. When you're taking a bite off your pizza and you take the whole layer of cheese off.

17. When you see twins fighting and one calls the other ugly.

18. When you start the sentence more than 3 times and the person won't stop interrupting you.

19. When you're having a conversation in your head and you realize you were making the facial expressions along with it.

20. When you realize that when you were young you used to draw the sun in the corner of the page.


///Hope you enjoyed that chapter, unfortunately I've only got two more chapters left so post comments about if you wanna read another funny book of mine!!!///


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