Ten: You brought a 14 year old to a bar? How classy.

Start from the beginning

Damon shook his head "Just wait"

"Whatever you say, 50 bucks she'll be making new friends around here" Leo snickered and Damon nodded "It's on"

"How did you get that scar?" Red asked bluntly. Leo took in a breath, expecting Keiran to blow up on her. Everyone knew how Keiran got the scar and they also knew how much he hated it when people looked at it or asked him about it.

Damon slapped his hand against his forehead "She doesn't know" he told Keiran. Keiran gritted his teeth, grabbed a towel and started cleaning the counter, with an angry scowl.

"Red" Damon hissed "Do you want to get killed?"

"Damon, she doesn't know, relax" Leo said to the clueless girl who was staring back and forth between Damon and Keiran.

"What?" She asked innocently.

Damon glanced at Leo "Well, I guess I'll be the one winning the bet, eh?"

Leo groaned.

"When I was 23, I got into a fight with my brother" Keiran started and Damon and Leo exchanged shock glances. He was actually telling her.

"Things went a little out of hand and he pulled out a knife, stuck it in my eye and trailed it down" Keiran touched his wound and Red winced "I'm sorry" she said "Your brother must have been a butthole"

Damon, Keiran and Leo burst out laughing "You have no idea" he muttered under his breath. Damon sighed, expecting Keiran to tell the whole story but he didn't. Keiran left out quite a lot of the gruesome details which was good.

"Do you talk to your brother?" Red asked "If I had a brother and he did that, I would have never forgiven him. That is so mean! Well, your face is still pretty"

Keiran smiled gently at her "Be careful little girl, not everyone is nice around here, you know" he took a deep breath "And yes, I still talk to my brother. I don't forgive him though and I never will"

Red nodded "Good"

"Are you done questioning the poor guy?" Leo asked and Red shook her head "No, shut up, I want to continue talking to my new friend Keiran"

Leo started laughing "Well go ahead, princess, we ain't stopping you"

Keiran also laughed and he continued chatting with Red. Damon and Leo sat next to her drinking their beer while chatting lightly and listening in to their conversation every now and then.

"Hey, Damon! How about a two on two game?" the old man called out from the pool table, holding the white ball in his hand.

Damon shrugged giving Leo a look, Leo nodded "Sure" they both got up and went over to the pool table.

"So is your name really Red?" Keiran asked and she shook her head "Nope"

"Then?" he cocked his head to the side.

"Guess" Red said playfully and turned around in her chair only to find Damon and Leo gone. She glanced up and sighed with relief when she saw them at the pool table.

"Emily? Rebecca? Katie?" Keiran guessed but Red shook her head staring at the boys.
Keiran groaned "This game sucks"

Red giggled and got up; she walked towards the boys "Hey, can I play?"

"No" "Yes" Damon and Leo said at the same time. Damon glared at Leo for allowing Red to play but he just shrugged "I'm bored anyway, here hold this" He gave Red the stick and she took it happily "Thank you very much"

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