I sighed. Well, she just wants to talk about it. I guess it couldn't be the worst thing in the world.

"Okay, just don't try and weasel your way back into my life because I don't want you in it anymore." If I'm gonna let her talk, I'm not gonna let her try to make me forgive her. I'm not ready yet.

"Honey, I know I hurt you and your father and I'm sorry, and I know that you must hate me or whatever. I just wish that you would forgive me. I understand if you can't right now and if or when you do, I'll be on the other end of this phone waiting." As she said all of this I could feel myself get angrier. How dare she ask that I forgive her?! She cheated on my father!

"You know what Ella," I spat her name like a curse and I heard her gasp,"I'm done with you! Okay?! You cheated on my father, a kind, sweet, loving man! He didn't deserve this! He has been nothing but great to you! He loved, praised and worshiped you like a God and this is how you repay him?! His heart is broke and you're at fault, you should be ashamed of yourself! That man is so great and I don't know what I did to have him as a father. He loved me and cared for me and didn't look at me differently when I told him I was gay! He's a great man and I wish to be just like him, he is my hero! He is caring for me while you're out traveling the world and writing shit like the Edgar Allen Hoe you are! You cheated on a wonderful man, and why? Not because you loved the man that you cheated on him with or because you were drunk, just because you felt like it! I don't want to hear from you for a very long time Ella, goodbye."

I sighed as I hung up and ran a hand down my face. I then turned toward Michael, Wayne and dad. As I expected, they all had shocked looks on they're faces. All except Wayne, he was laughing. I raised a brow at him.

"Edgar Allen Hoe? That's by far the best insult I've ever heard anyone use!" He said through his fit of laughter. I shook my head but chuckled a little. Dad looked at me with a loving smile and stood up and walked over to me.

"I didn't know you thought I was wonderful." He said with a small smile. I blushed and smiled back.

"I do, and you are. You are my hero and always will be. You are the best dad anyone could ask for. I love you." I said and hugged him. I could tell he was about to say something but he got cut off by Michael and Wayne 'awwwing'.

He groaned and pulled away, rolling his eyes. I laughed and looked to Michael. He was laying on his stomach on the couch with his feet up in the air behind him. He looked so cute. I grinned at him while my dad and Wayne were arguing about some stupid TV show. I pointed my chin in the direction of my room before giving him a little wink and heading upstairs.

When I got to my room I plopped down on the bed and crossed my legs, waiting impatiently. Finally though, a not fully drunk not fully sober Michael walked into the room. He smirked at me then sat down on the bed.

"Hi," he said with a goofy grin as he got closer to my face. I couldn't help but chuckle at him.

"Hello, I'm tired of waiting so kiss me already." I stated with a serious tone. He chuckled at me and then pressed our lips together.

I kissed him back and found myself pulling him down on the bed with me. We were now making out and laying down on the bed. Both of us panting, moaning, sweaty messes.

He was about to take my shirt off, but his phone rang.


He sighed but got up and picked up his phone. When he saw the caller ID he tensed. I put my hand on his shoulder to help him relax and it worked just I tiny bit. I looked over his shoulder to see who it was. It read 'Chief'. He answers the phone slowly before letting out a proper 'hello'. He then put his phone on speaker and put a finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet.

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