July 28, 2025

393 17 6

Monica, my dearest,

 Today marks the newfound anniversary of me leaving the youthful life. Granted, I have probably had one foot out of that door for a while, with my hair turning grey and more wrinkles becoming prominent, but today sealed the deal. After about 7 hours of you in pure agony, I hurled headfirst through that door into the so-called golden years, for now I am a grandfather.

 Aubrey Jean Matthews might just be the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. At only 8 pounds and 1 ounce, she seems so tiny and fragile, like a precious trinket. I was the first person who got to hold her after you and Alex, and, my word, I did not want to let her go. She looks so much like you I couldn't help but feel like I was truly at your own birth. Never in my life did I think that I would experience life at its most humbling and vulnerable state. I mean, I have a granddaughter!

 Alex looked to be the proudest man on earth; whether it was because he helped create such a perfect baby or because you pushed through such a painful experience with perseverance I don't know. Pepper teared up a little bit, overcome with happiness. I even heard Bucky struggle to keep his voice controlled when he first held Aubrey. He, Steve, Bruce, Natasha, and Clint were absolutely in awe of the tiny baby they held; even Peter seemed to be wide-eyed at the sight of her. We were all in a glorious stupor of being able to witness one of the most beautiful experiences anyone can have in their life. Never do any of us get to slow down and enjoy the momentous blessings of life, but here we are all in the hospital room holding a child less than a few hours old.

 Aubrey is going to be the most adored child on this planet, I can tell you that. She's going to have a hoard of aunts and uncles that will love her no matter what, not to mention two parents that will be giving her the world. I shouldn't leave myself out of this either; after seeing how tiny an infant is, I swear I will do everything in my power to protect her and your family, Monica. Just because I wasn't there for you as a child does not mean I won't be for Aubrey.

 I know you're worried about being a mother, but you do realize that Aubrey could not have another parent be as loving, caring, and strong as you, right? You are going to be the best mom and I truly believe that. All you have to do is love her, care for her, support her, feed her every so often, accept her, and not be oblivious to her existence for 17 years and you will be fine.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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