Erica's Education of the Youth

Start from the beginning

Alyosha and I teamed up. This didn't seem so bad.

"The girl's hot. I mean, I guess that is what they are trying to say," Alyosha and I discuss the photos. Looking at the photos of the girl was an ad for a perfume that was sexual in nature. The one of a guy was for some type of alcohol and had the guy's shirt off and pants unbuttoned. The guy was ripped. We agreed that we wanted to be as cut at the guy in the photo. Most of the guys that we knew were built, but this guy looked like he had it all. The girl was beautiful and really skinny. I liked my female friends to have a little more meat on them. I liked for them to look healthy. The girl in the photo did not.

Son, you look just like me when I was your age...damn we look good!

Thanks, Dad. Although there are times when I want to look more like Papa Nathan in the muscle department.

Shit, you know how hard he works at that. Did you know that he was actually a bit chubby when we were in elementary school?

I had no idea. Guess I don't know really know about you guys before you became a team.

Grandma gets our attention and we shared our ideas. Alyosha and I go first and explain our thoughts and feelings. I was surprised that the girls actually had other thoughts about the pictures. They thought that the guys were okay to look at, but looked like he didn't have any body fat on him. He looked like he spent too much time at the gym. They all wanted to look like the girl in the photo, even if she was too skinny in our opinion. It was interesting. I would think that the girls would want guys to look like that.

You have a lot to learn about women, and I can teach you.

I will take you up on that one later, Dad. Can we table that discussion for now?

By all means, you have the floor, son.

Wait, come back. Dad? Crap.

Grandma Lee then brought out other photos. They looked to be the same people, but the guy wasn't as defined and the girl actually looked a bit fuller. She looked healthy. "I would say that 99% of the photos that you see in magazines have been altered. They are not portraying what people really look like. I thought that it was also interesting to hear what your feelings about the same gender photo. Pictures like these, and those in the magazines that you found paint an unrealistic image and can cause self-esteem issues."

That is something to think about. Cadence and Cherie were looking at the photos in the Penthouse Magazine and thinking about looking like those girls. It is actually disturbing.

"Now, on to the next portion of the class," Grandma Lee said with a smirk.

She proceeded to take a life sized model of a woman's torso, that was anatomically correct...and naked. "This is Jill. She will be helping us with our discussion today. Her partner, Jack, will make an appearance in a little while." It did not have a head, or arms, or legs, or clothes. Using a pointer, she explained the medical terminology for each part of the woman's body, which we knew from Papa Sean. When she got to the "lower" part. She first explained the outer parts, then she laid the model on its back and spread its stumpy legs. We got to see the female anatomy in all of its glory. I could feel my face heating up. I could also see everyone else looking uncomfortable. When she opened the folds of the labia and pointed out the clitoris, I hear laughing in my head. I knew that my dad is getting a kick out of my discomfort.

Oh, you're back. Thanks, Dad.

No problem, Son. This is great.

Glad I can amuse you.

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