Family Photo Day

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Family Photo Day

Thank you Becky for beta-ing this story for me, and thank you Leanne for this amazing cover!!

Sang's POV:

"Mommy!" Isis, our four year old daughter, wailed in the room. "I don't wanna wear this. Flowers are stupid." She was doing everything she could to remove the halo of flowers her father, North, had put into her dark hair. She pouted her tiny lips and scowled at me.

It was time for our annual family photo. This was becoming an Olympic sport, but I insisted upon it every year. "You look so pretty with the flowers though, and that's what you picked out yesterday."

"Flowers are for girls." She crossed her arms in defiance.

Oh, she was so much like her father. I had laughed so hard the day we found out we were having a girl. I thought for sure North was going to pass out. And when she was born, he had wanted to bubble wrap everything. Eventually North had learned that it was okay for his little baby girl to fall down. "Baby girl, why don't you go talk this over with your Papa?" She took off down the hallway with the halo of flowers flopping around, halfway pinned to her head.

Okay, I'm ready. Who's next? I went in and checked on the twins, Gabrielle and Sebastian, in my suite. They were still brand new at one week old. Another birthday to add to September. You would think that the boys getting me knocked up in December had become a contest. Well, at least for our family. For Kayli and her family, it was January and May. I heard a crash in a room further down the hall. Next crisis.

I left them, and headed towards the squabble. I stood in the doorway watching our five and six year old boys, Xavier and Alexander, laying on the floor, along with our nine year old daughter, Emily. Emily had her arms hooked under Alexander's underarms tugging, while Xavier was pulling on his feet.

"Well, Daddy shays dat I will gwow up bigger den you one day. I am jush a bit deewayed." Alexander was pretty small for his age, and had a speech impediment. He was so darn cute though with his little glasses, brownish-blonde hair, and short stature. No one could deny him much. Did I mention he was a cello prodigy?

"Alexander, you say that all the time. We have been tugging for months and you haven't grown at all." Xavier had stopped pulling for a moment. Xavier, at five, looked about seven. He also had brownish-blonde hair, and beautiful hazel eyes. Then he got freckles. We don't know from where, but they were wonderful to count.

"Let's measure him again. He screamed a little, maybe his bones grew. I can ask my daddy if he has some bone growing medicine." As soon as Emily got up, she saw me standing in the doorway. That halted her movement. "Hi, Mommy."

"Hello, Doctor Evil." She insisted on being called that. "What dastardly deeds have you three been up to? You are supposed to be getting ready for the family photo." She gave me a quick hug and left the room in search for her father and bone growing medicine. Emily was a beautiful blue-eyed, blonde haired genius. Just like her dad. Sean had created a monster of the best kind.

Alexander, mine and Owen's child, shook his feet free from Xavier's hold and stood up. "I'm all dreshed." He spoke slowly. "Jusht a wittle shtuff to wipe off." He pushed his glasses up his nose and stood against the doorframe. "Can you meashure me, Mommy?"

"Yeah! Measure him. He's got to get bigger than me some day. Right?" Xavier, Silas's son, was so supportive of his older brother. Being the only three boys, let me correct that, four boys now, they were inseparable. The only girl allowed in their clubhouse was Emily. That was only because she was Doctor Evil.

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