Partner in Illness

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Jesses PoV:
I couldn't stop thinking about Lukas.

I noticed that my purple rash wasn't clearing but when I told Lukas, he didn't have the reaction I would expect.

I followed behind Olivia and didn't speak the whole way.

She would look behind now and again.

"Something wrong, Jesse?" She asked concerned.

I just looked up with a fake smile and shook my head, only to look back down and frown.

We walked for about an hour but it felt like a year.

"This is it?" Olivia complains as she looks at the debris of what was once the magnificent peaks of Redstonia.

I look up and draw my sword at a mob of zombies heading towards us.

I go to swing my sword but I drop it immediately as my arm gives in under the weight of my sword.

I collapse to the floor and see Olivia - outnumbered.

I try to get to my feet but I can't.

"Olivia..." I say through my last breath before I feel my eyes grow heavy with illness.

Lukas PoV:

When she walked out, I couldn't bear to see her go in the state she was in.

"I am not staying here. I'm going to go get Magnus; you stay here." Axel demanded.

He stomped off leaving me with only the eerie creaks and drips to prevent the temple from being plunged into dead-silence.

I wasn't just going to sit there and let the one person I have ever cared for walk off in the face of danger.

I crept out after Jesse and Olivia.

Jesses PoV:

My eyes slowly opened only to see that the zombies were crowded around a red-armoured woman.

Olivia was laying next to me; defeated.

"Ellegaard!" She shrieked as she jumped to her feet and slashed her sword at the zombies.

I looked for my sword as an enderman looked straight at me.

I shielded my eyes and guessed with my hand where my sword was.

The enderman screamed in my ear as I took my hand away.

I tried to crawl away but my arm just collapsed on me, leaving me in a heap on the floor.

I closed my eyes and thought of all the great memories I had and just tried to take myself to a happier place than where I was right then.

The screeching got louder and louder.

Lukas's PoV:

I ran out from the tree line to see Olivia battling zombies with a red-armoured woman and Jesse laying on the floor shielding here eyes from an enderman who was leaning right into her face.

I drew my sword and lunged at the enderman.

I slashed at it but dropped my sword straight away.

I ended up on the floor with Jesse.

I lay there in excruciating pain but I looked at Jesse whose eyes were closed and her body lay lifeless.

I grabbed her and dragged her into the river that was next to us and waited under a small bridge.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with confusion.

"You okay?" I said concerned.

She didn't say anything and just looked around; trying to grasp her bearings.

I dropped to my knees in exhaustion leaving me neck-height in the water.

She got to my level and grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve.

She gasped and let go of my arm as she covered her mouth with her hands in shock.

I looked at her - not in confusion but acceptance.

Her emerald eyes shimmered with tears.

She's smart like that.

I knew she would find out.

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