Chapter 3

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James' POV

We started walking to Chandler's friend's house who he told me was named Sam.

"So, how about we get to know each other a little better." Chandler says to me.

"Yeah sure, how about twenty questions."

"why not. You can go first."

"Well, how about favorite color?"

"Don't have one."

"What! Everyone has a favorite color."

"Not me. So what's yours?"

"Hmmm, let's see........I would have to say Blue."

"Nice, now ask me another question."

We kept asking each other questions for about half an hour until we got to Sam's.

We walked up to Sam's door and chandler knocked . Not too long after, someone opened the door.

"Chandler! and friend?"

"Hey Gray! I didn't know you were over."

"Yeah Sam called me over, so who's your friend"

"Oh, sorry! This is James he is new to the neighborhood, and I just thought since he doesn't know anybody he could hang out with us."

"Oh! Yeah, that's cool, come in Sam is making lunch, that's why I answered the door instead"

"Oh makes sense." Chandler smiled.

"Hey Sam!" Chandler says as we enter the kitchen.

"Chandler!" They do a bro-hug, and as they pull away Sam looks directly at me "who's this?'

"Oh! sorry, Sam meet James he just moved into the neighborhood and I invited him over if that's alright with you."

"Yeah it's fine, I love meeting new people" Sam says as he looks from Chandler to me. "So what do you want to do?"

"I thought we could maybe play some games, and since there as four of us, then we could play a team game." Chandler says "If that's alright with everybody"

"Yeah!" We all say in unison, and we head down into Sam's basement.

A/N: Hey! I'm not dead. Whooo!! I think that's the second time I have said that. Oops 😁 Anyways! I actually got out of school on Wednesday YAY!!! I know I'm a bit late announcing, but onto what I was planning on saying, since I am on summer brake I am going to try and post a lot more often. A side note and not really anything important, I AM GOING TO BE A FRESHMAN NEXT SCHOOL YEAR!! I know such a big deal... well it is to me😁 I am so nervous. Anyways without further adieu....

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