chapter 26- Celebration

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Stormy's pov

2 months later.

It was finally the day. The day I've been really waiting for. Graduation.

The last few months of school has been an easy breeze and I can honestly say that I'm not going to miss any of this. High School can go suck a dick.

Prom was nice and I enjoyed it. Mya and J ended up making up and he took her to prom. I ended up going with chris because king couldn't take me. he had to go to Jamaica to handle business with Aman and wouldn't be back until today.

I honestly missed him like crazy and wanted him here with me. I pulled out my phone and called him.

"Hey baby" He picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Hi" I smiled hearing his voice. "Your gonna make it on time aren't you?"

"Yea Im flying right now" He said making me drop my makeup brush on the bathroom counter.

"King you were suppose to be in a car right now driving to my school not flying two thousand feet in the air"

"Calm down Im going to make it. Don't trip crip" He said making me roll my eyes.

"You better" I hunged up the phone. I finished doing my makeup and then my hair. I was alone in this huge house but king had security everywhere and had chris and J check up on me while he was gone.

After my hair was done, I left out the bathroom and threw on my cap and gown. I wore a black 2 piece outfit. A cute tube top with a versace skirt with a split on the thigh. strapping up my black heels I was finally done as I stood up from the bed.

I grabbed my phone and headed out the front door. King had a car waiting for me to drive me all the way to my school.

Arriving at the ceremony, My driver helped me out the car and I made my way over to mya and her mom.

"Hi mom" I greeted mya's mom. She became a important person in my life and I really looked up to her. As well as king's mom.

"You guys look so beautiful" She said. "Let me get a picture. Stand next to eachother" She pushed me and mya together.

We took a bunch of pictures, making funny faces, serious faces and so many other faces.

"This one is so perfect. Look" She showed me and mya. We were hugging eachother and both had our hand on our hip with huge smiles on our faces.

"Ok mom enough with the pictures" Mya took the camera out her hand.

"My two ladybugs" Chris said coming up to us.

"Hey bestfriend" I greeted him with a huge hug and so did mya.

"You gone do the crip walk when you exit the stage like I told you to?" He asked. He said if I didn't he would take our imaginary baby away from me and I would never see it again.

"No im not" I said blankly.

"Alright will say goodbye to Chris Jr." He walked away going somewhere.

"Is king going to make it?" Mya asked.

"If he doesn't it's going to be a problem" I said walking to go take our seats.

Before I sat down I looked over the crowd and didn't see king. I only saw mya's mom, chris, J and some guys from the trap. I sighed and took my seat and waited for my name to be called.

"Mya Blackwell" Our principal said.

I cheered loud and hard as she walked up the stage.


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