"4" Identity?

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You woke up in S.T.A.R. labs. You searched your face for your mask and it still was on your face. "Phew" you thought. "But I'm still in S.T.A.R. labs" you muttered. "Hey I'm Cisco" Cisco said walking in the room. "Yeah I already know who you are" you said. "Oh now that's weird. If you know me I must know you" he said. "Stop pestering her" Caitlyn said. "Hi I'm Caitlyn" she said. "I already know who you are, too" you said. "Woah ok" she said. You got off the bed quickly and started to run out the door, but you ran into your dad, and your mask came off. "Y/N, you're Catalyst" your dad asked. "Yes dad. I am Catalyst" you said. "Plot twist" Cisco said behind you. You smiled. "Why didn't you tell me" your dad asked. "I couldn't" you said. "That's not an answer" he said. "What did you want me to say, hey dad I'm alive and I'm a vigilante" you said bitterly. "She does have a point" Barry said. "Shut it Allen" your dad said. "Wait if she's Catalyst, maybe her and Barry can team up" Cisco said. "Sort of like a dynamic duo" Caitlyn said. "No" your dad said. "Actually I like it" you said. "As long as I'm not being called his sidekick, cause that's where I draw the line" you said. "Noted" Barry said. "No you're not doing that" your dad said. "Why not" you asked. "Cause this is Allen you're partnering up with" your dad said. "Wow that hurt" Barry said. "Oh so you'd be fine if I had worked with the Arrow instead" you asked. "Don't get smart with me" your dad said. "I'm your daughter. I was born to be smart" You asked. "She makes a fair point" Barry said. "Come on Harry, let her. Barry will protect her" Cisco said. "How will Allen take care of her, when he can't even take care of his own self" your dad said. "Ok now that really hurt" Barry said, holding a hand over his heart. You smiled. "This is serious" your dad said. "How so" you asked. "You're going out crime fighting with Allen, and he attracts horrible, bad, villains"your dad said. "If you're referring to Zoom, you're the one who got yourself in that. Barry didn't do that" you said. "But he has all of the meta-humans after him, which you can't fight" your dad said. "Who says I can't fight them" you said. "Please don't tell me your actually thinking about considering this" your dad said. "You're not Superman" your dad said. "I may not be Superman, but I do have powers like Barry" you said.

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