Black and White

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Dave pulled his hood up. The rain poured down as he looked for a small shelter to wait out the storm under. He spotted a bus stop a few meters away, and dashed under it. The black and white streets looked boring. He wished he could someday fine his true love, and see the world in all its beautiful color.

He decided not to sit on the wet bench. He looked at it, wishing it was dry, as to rest his tired legs. He turned around just as someone else bolted under the stop, also to avoid the downfall. He almost ran into Dave, but stopped last minute.

"OH! I'm sorry!" Dave said.

"No, it's fine. It was my fault." The teen said. He looked around 17, the same age as Dave. He had dark, probably black, hair, and dark eyes. He wore a dark sweater with the zodiac symbol , Cancer, on it. The sweater was soaked and he shivered from the cold rain.

"Fuck," the guy muttered as he shivered.

"You ok?" Dave asked. The teen nodded.

"Yeah, just cold." He said. "My name's Karkat, by the way. I figure we might be here a while, unless you like rain." Dave nodded in response.

"I'm Dave." Karkat stuck his hand out for Dave to shake. Dave shook his hand and the world turned white for a moment. His head began to pound. He grabbed his head. Now was not a good time for an intense migraine.

He heard the other teen groan in pain to. Did he have a migraine? Dave's head suddenly felt fine. He slowly opened his eyes, to see Karkat do the same.


There was color. Or at least Dave thought so. The world was brighter. He could see the difference between what the sky looked like and the leaves of trees. He knew the colors from preschool. Trees were green. The sky was blue. In the rain, however, it was grey. Fire was orange, blood was red, in most cases.

He looked around in wonder. Karkat did the same. Dave came to a realization. Karkat was his soul mate. How else could he see in color? But, Dave liked Girls. Not boys.

Well, he thought, he's cute.. I guess I could make an exception.

Dave looked at Karkat and noticed he had made that realization too. Karkat bit his lip.

"So...." He said.

"Well, it's a good thing I like you so far." Dave said. Karkat smiled at his joke. His smile was cute too.

Dave sat down on the bench. He had forgotten about it being wet after the migraine. He cringed slightly, but ignored it.

"So.... I guess we should get to know each other better." Dave said. Karkat nodded and sat down too. They began to learn more about each other, and neither noticed when the rain ceased to fall, and the sky turned a bright blue.

Dave glanced at his watch."Well, I have to get home."

"Me too."

They exchanged numbers, and noticed the sky. They stood in awe, until smiling at each other, and going their separate ways.

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