Chapter 3

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The girl that stood now in front of them was blonde with blue eyes, head held high. To any other person she could be your ordinary 17 year old girl, although now it isn't exactly the case.

"And who might you be?" Elijah asked but the mysterious girl ignored him as she carried on walking until she was right in front of the creatures who had lowered their heads, almost bowing.

The girl glared at the zombies in front of her before speaking. "All of you must go back to Lamia immediately. There will be strict punishment waiting for you at the palace." The girl said sternly, stilling holding her head high.


"You dare argue with me? I assume you prefer death?" The blonde girl was speaking with so much confidence you could mistake her for a boss at a really high company.

The zombies shook their heads no before slowly disappearing into the thin air.

The girl turn around and looked back at the vampires. Klaus was about to say something but was interrupted by his lovely sister, Rebekah. "What the bloody hell happened in here?" She asked walking down the stairs barely seeing the creatures disappearing.

"That is what I would like to know sister." Klaus groaned to his sister before turning around to the mysterious girl. "Who are you?"

"My name is Veronica Lennox. What you saw right now were 'βρυκόλακας' in other words, zombies."

"That's impossible, they're a myth." Marcel pointed out.

"Indeed they are on Earth, however not on Lamia." Veronica stated. "Although before I get into more detail, shall we get a bit more comfortable? And preferably with the whole family present. So I won't have to repeat myself." The girl giggled slightly.

"How do you know if this isn't the whole of the family?" Klaus asked glaring at the person in front of him. He was on guard, ready to attack in case she wished them harm.

"That's because I know quite a lot about you and your family Klaus." Of course they weren't surprised that she knew Klaus' name since he was known everywhere for being the brutal hybrid. "I know that this is Elijah, your brother, Marcel, the boy you've turned, Rebekah, your sister and then there're two more brothers that are unfortunately not present in here, Kol and Flynn. Ah lets not forget your long lost older sister, Freya and the mother of your child Hayley. Moreover, last but definitely not least, Hope, your dearest daughter."

Klaus growled into the girls direction before charging at her with full vampire speed. Holding her neck tightly he began to lift her up.

"Nick!" Rebekah screamed as she walked down the stairs, being ready to jump if something were to happen.


Although he heard his siblings yell his name, the said hybrid didn't flinch as his grip tightened onto Veronica's neck. All Veronica did was raised her eye brow whilst smirking.

As expected of the great Klaus. She thought.

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