Chapter 4 ~ The Best

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"Where are we?" Today is Saturday, which means there are no classes today.

"You'll love it here," Ryan holds Sean's left hand as they have a little picnic in the forest.

"Smells like the forest," Sean says while being suspicious about Ryan's ''secret hideout''.

"Don't worry, we're not hanging out here. There's a lot of wild animals here and we don't want to disturb them," Ryan increases his pace as he finds their destination.

Sean didn't realize, but today is actually Ryan's birthday (Let's just say it is today 😝😝😝). He wants to surprise Sean with his secret spot in this town.

Ryan had actually been here before. When he was 9, he was adventurous. He's parents attended a reunion party and Ryan was getting bored. As he sneakily went outside of the party, he explored the whole town.

9 years ago

'It's so quiet here' Ryan thought as he wanted to meet new friends. But it was an impossible task.

For a 9 year old kid, he went to explore more. Since it was a sunny day, he went back to his parents and asked if he could use his bike and meet new friends.

"No," his mother said sternly. His mother was scared considering that this is a quiet town.

"Just give him a little fun," his father said to his mother. "Don't worry honey. I asked some of the people here and they said that it's completely safe here," he added.

"You believe in all of that?" Ryan's mother said in disbelief.

"He's already nine. Give him a little adventure. Besides, he has our sense of adventure in him," his father laughed a little.

"Well, since you're a big boy already, I'll allow you," his mother said, allowing him.

"Thank you mom! You guys are the best!" Ryan then hugged both of them.

He finally left after with his bike as he exited the party.

While searching the whole town, his walkie talkie made a sound.

"Son? You there? Roger," he heard his father said.

He took his walkie talkie and pressed the right button.

"Copy, sir!" Ryan said as he stopped in front of someone's house.

"I'm going to give you more excitement in your adventure," His father said amusingly.

Ryan focused on his walkie talkie as his father spoke.

"What is it sir?" Ryan said playfully.

"There's this place where your mother and I went ten years ago. It's past the forest," his father explained the child's task.

"The town is surrounded by forest, sir!" Ryan responded as he took a quick look up on his front and saw a boy running around.

"This forest that I'm talking about has massive trees," his father responded.

Ryan stopped listening to his father and saw the boy running towards him.

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