"I don't know, he just told me that we're going to your parents next week-"

"What? No! I'll go right after my match. I know we have big plans for RAW tomorrow but my parents are more important than anything" I said immediately "Tell him I won't, I'll leave right after my match"

He just nodded then patted my knee's "Okay, I'll tell him later." He said in a assuring tone "I understand"


While preparing for my match, I made sure to fix my ring so it won't slip off my finger

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While preparing for my match, I made sure to fix my ring so it won't slip off my finger. I stared at it for a moment, just admiring all the details and the actual ring.

"Hey, you alright?" a voice asked behind me. I turn around and saw Allen "Stop shaking, everything would be alright" he said then kissed the top of my head while my hands are on his

"Brice, on 3" the crew member said and I kissed Allen

He hugs me then kiss the top of my head "Go get that title, princess" I nodded at his words then my theme played.

Well technically, his theme song. I'm thinking off changing it actually

While Lilian is doing the introduction, I slap the hands of the fans from the barricade. I slid inside the ring and went to the turnbuckle.

I pointed at the crowd and my little moment was cut off because the irritating theme song of the twins suddenly played.

"Making her way to the ring, accompanied by her sister, Brie Bella; she is from Scottsdale, Arizona weighing 125 pounds, she is the WWE Divas Champion, Nikki Bella!" they went to the apron and Nikki put her title down.

They did their usual twin entrance and pointed their fingers up right after

Lillian exited the ring and Brie whisper some stuff on Nikki before exiting the ring as well. She gave the title to the referee and he held it up

Right after the bell ring, I immediately ran to Nikki and did a Lou Thesz Press. I hit her around her head and she was just screaming, she manage to slide to the ropes and hold on to the bottom one

The ref pulled me off her then I waited with my hands on my hips. She finally stood up and we circle up, starting how most matches would start.

We lock in then I moved her head under my arms, gripping on it tightly. She pushed me to the turnbuckle but I slid my body on the second rope. When she turn around to face me, I fell back and kick her head with the help of the ropes

I slid out then went to the apron, Brie taps the spot right beside where I was standing to get my attention.

I stomp on her foot then move to the side when Nikki was about to shoulder tackle me. I pulled her head down to the ropes which sent her down.

I went to the turnbuckle and perform a 450 splash but she moved away.

She pinned me but I kick out. She pushed her hair back and grabbed fistful of my hair. She stood me up and I immediately slap the living shit out of her

She looks at me with disbelief, holding the cheek I slapped. I did their little dance on the ramp to taunt her and the crowd cheered, I smirked at her after then she rushed to me with a clothesline

I duck but when I turn around, she kicks me on the stomach. She grabs my hair and slammed me back with full force. She stomped on my stomach until the ref pulled her off.

She went back to me after then I tripped her. I went behind her then applied the submission move of Cena

We were on the middle of the ring, nowhere to go now. When she was about to tap out, Brie pulled me from the bottom rope and deliver a massive forearm.

The bell rings and Nikki sat up from the ring, her hands on her face as Brie went beside her. I stood up then grab the title from the ref's hands

"The winner of this match, and your NEW WWE Divas Champion, Jayce Walter!" the ref raised my hands as I climb inside the ring and went on top of the turnbuckle

I hug the title close to me until the theme of Stephanie came, the 3 of us looked at the ramp as she came out with a mic on her hands "Jayce, congratulations on your win. But still- this title won't change hands via disqualification. So, we would restart this match, right now" the ref rang the bell and before I could even process what will happen, Nikki carried me to her shoulders causing me to drop the title and did the Rack Attack

She pinned me with both legs up as I heard the ref count to 3. She slid out the ring, grabbing the title on the way at the process as I lay down on the mat

This wasn't told to happen, I was supposed to win! I was supposed to have my moment!

I finally stood up and lean to the ropes, burying my face to my arms as I felt rage and disappointment rush through my body

The fans cheered my name when I finally faced them, I smiled at them before exiting the ring. All I want is to have my moment

Reversing The Roles |WWE|Where stories live. Discover now