Happy Birthday, Erin Harper!

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Happy Birthday, Erin Harper!

By the time the sun rose, Erin woke up to her family and friends who surprised her with a cake and a bunch of balloons stacked in her room. "Happy Birthday, Erin!" Everyone greets and sings to her the birthday song.

Erin smiles at everyone and blows the eighteen candles on her birthday cake. She gets out of bed and she and her family and friends went down to the kitchen to celebrate.

"How does it feel to be eighteen?" Phillip asked. Erin looked up and smiled, "Normal." She joked and they all laughed. "Thank you guys." She said and looked at each and every one of them then blew out her candles.

So she enjoys breakfast with her family and close friends but can't help wonder where is Fletcher, why wasn't he here?

After breakfast, her family went to do some radio interviews and then she went to go into rehearsals and vocal exercises. Then she gave away free tickets to fans who were waiting outside the Garden and then ate lunch with her family inside. After that she goes on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to thank her fans and friends for greeting her on her birthday.

But the whole day, she hasn't seen or heard from Fletcher still. She tried calling him and texting him but there was no answer. She tried to look for David, Fletcher's dad but there was no sign of him too. She was a little bit worried now. But nevertheless, she had to go on with her day. After she had rehearsals and sound check, she had to do a couple of interviews.

Then she went back to the stadium and ate dinner there. She socialized with her other special guests for that night and had a little meet and greet with some celebrities and their family and friends. She got to meet Julia Roberts and her kids, she also met Ed Sheeran and talked to him about music (maybe a future collaboration was gonna happen), and a lot of celebrities and well-known people were there to attend her last concert for the summer.

After that she went back to her dressing room where her family and friends were. But Fletcher was still missing and she was worried. She tried calling him and leaving him messages but Fletcher didn't answer her.

After putting on her make up and fixing her hair, Lily went to talk to Erin. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked. "I'm fine." Erin replied. "Do you really think I believe you?" Lily said. Erin shook her head and whispered, "Do you know where Fletcher is?" She asked. Lily looked away and didn't answer. Erin knew something was up, "Do you know something I don't?" She asked Lily.

Lily looked at Erin and nodded her head. Erin quickly grabbed her hand and they go outside of the dressing room to talk. "Where's Fletcher?" She asked. Lily gulped, "Don't get mad." She said. Then they hear the noise in the stadium, the show was about to start, the fans were anxiously screaming and waiting. Both Erin and Lily looked up for a moment and hear the joyful noise and then they look at each other again. "I'm not supposed to tell you this but..." Lily gets interrupted by Phillip. "Erin, it's showtime." He said and then they all went to Erin's dressing room.

"This is a special concert, tonight the stage is all yours from beginning 'til end, sweetheart." Phillip said. "Including the special guests of course." Stephanie chimed in. Erin smiled palely and gathers all of her backup dancers and musicians and her family and friends into a circle, where they all lock hands and pray for a good show.

"Tonight is the last leg of my summer headlining tour and I couldn't have done it and this wouldn't be possible without every single one of you. So lets make this the best god damn show ever! I love you all and thank you for everything." Erin said. "Now put your hands in and let's do this!" She cried out.

"Let's journey to never!" They all shouted and raised their hands to the ceiling.

Then the show begins.

For The Love Of MusicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora