Chapter 6

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As it turned out, through Clarke, Bellamy met many new 'friends', some friendlier than others. Wells was always seemingly unsure of him, and that was perfectly fine because Bellamy wasn't sure about him at all either. His father was trying to do good things, but trying and doing were two very different ideas. They did bond over one thing, though. It the mutual acceptance that they were perhaps some of the few that were curious what had made this change- the after school groups, changing up of classrooms, and ect- occur. They both had noticed people they didn't know staring at them in the halls. For Wells, that might be normal enough, but people looking at Bellamy and whispering was a whole different matter entirely.

While he had soon figured out that there were a total of 44 of them in this room, and he did learn all their names by the second year, there were a couple ones that he saw or talked to more than others.

There was Raven, a girl with even more fire than Clarke (he didn't think that was possible) who had black hair that was never combed down properly and was notorious for taking things apart and almost putting them back together. She was getting better at it, granted.

There was John Murphy (Murphy, there were too many Johns to call by their first names), who Bellamy had no real reason to dislike, but he couldn't like him because his whole body told him something was off although he was a perfectly nice kid, if not a little grumpy. He was young and sarcastic to the bone. Sometimes, Bellamy got the impression the kid was following him around, copying him. It did flatter Bellamy that anyone would want to emulate him.

There was Monty who had snuck his best friend Jasper into the group because they'd been separated and they were firmly best friends who wouldn't leave each other behind. There was better food and toys here, so naturally, Monty insisted Jasper migrate to this group. His stubborn sense of loyalty and protectiveness toward his friend reminded Bellamy of his sister, so he helped Monty (along with Miller, Clarke, Raven, Wells, and sometimes even Monty) to hide Jasper from anyone finding out. It had been years now, and he was pretty sure the attendee was turning a blind eye, but officially, no one could know he was the 45 person.

There were three girls- Harper, Monroe, and Roma- that all stuck together in a clump and he wasn't even sure if they had defined personalities yet. He remembered Roma best of all, but only because she had a stupid puppy dog crush on him which he found to be increasingly annoying. He avoided her at all costs.

He made some of his own friends too, and some were even his own age. There was Benny, Hendrick, and Brad- he went to their houses pretty often, and they never seemed bothered he didn't invite them back to his. He hung out with Clarke far more often, though, so perhaps they just weren't good enough friends to expect that of him. Either way, sometimes it was nice to have guys going through his classes he could sit with during the day, instead of alone like he once had.

As much as he liked having friends, as it were (most of them were his sister's age), the guilt and nervousness about leaving his sister alone while he was here always made him a little on edge. Some days he was more acutely aware of these feelings than others. He felt bad that he got to experience all this and she just couldn't.

To be perfectly honest, he enjoyed the nights with Clarke's family much better. He never understood their partnership, and why his mother wasn't equally encouraging him over to Miller or Brad's houses or whatnot, but he didn't want to complain. About once a month, he'd go over there (sometimes with his mom, often not now that he was growing up) and they'd cook for him and he'd spend it with Clarke the rest of the night. It was easier to relax here than in the after school group, although he couldn't imagine why that might be.

Once Wells brought up the idea of figuring out what was going on to Bellamy-three years of both of them trying to figure it out, and Wells finally had an idea. He caught Bellamy alone as the class let out. Miller had left early that day, having to go home to help his father with something. Clarke was off somewhere else with Bree. He didn't dislike Bree after all these years, but honestly she'd given them all so little it was hard to form much of an opinion of her. She had her big doe eyes that seemed liquid and it seemed she might start crying at anything that was said...she was mousy, and that was fine and dandy, but Bellamy already knew they had perhaps two things in common and they'd both exhausted both topics within knowing each other. He couldn't imagine what Clarke might have to talk with her about, but maybe it was 'girl things' he wouldn't be interested in anyway.

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